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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. Will be the easiest way for Trump to get our of it. Lol
  2. I really don't think there is much to look into. It may be he's come back a little heavier than he was supposed to, or hasn't stuck to his plan that all the players are given. If he's not had a chance to play by the Stirling Albion game, then I'd be concerned
  3. Where has he stated this? Not in any interview I've seen.
  4. Kerr won't play as much as he did this season in my opinion. Unless we are going with a change in formation or if Vaulks leaves.
  5. That's excellent news. Two good strong young CH'S
  6. Didn't Houston say Rogers had 24 Hrs to give him an answer about coming back to us. That was 4 days ago.
  7. Well they need to get their fingers out and announce it.
  8. Would much prefer he went to a team in our division as he is ready for that. Stipulation that he has to play every game if fit.
  9. Luca - Aero - Watson That'll be our back 3 next season to start.
  10. What would you want the club to do? Just out of curiosity.
  11. Was hearing that Dundee Utd were interested in Rogers.
  12. Lewis Kidd is an excellent signing and will give us something different on the right hand side.
  13. We got 6 years from Latapy who had just as much skill and played with us at higher level and never looked out of place.
  14. Add to that he will start off in the Development team, not up against journeymen cluggers week in week out
  15. Muirhead will be our RB next season. Houston after a RB to challenge him and another CH to add to Grant, Cracks and Watson. He basically wants 2 for every position.
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