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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. Thanks Hope Street. It's Reis Peggie that's signed, the twitter feed said Lewis earlier on.
  2. Anyone at the game tonight, how is Lewis Small playing?
  3. Lewis Peggie signed on as an academy player today Playing tonight. No idea what position he plays.
  4. If that's the case and the board support him. Give him a 2 year deal straight away.
  5. He showed promise when we had a striker coach at the club. Since Crawford left us, who exactly takes time to give them the benefits of their wisdom? I'm hoping Miller will fall into this category.
  6. I doubt he would be in training with us if finds weren't available for him.
  7. I recall a lot of games under Pressley when we played thst system. Farid lead the line well with Duffie bombing forward, Higgy providing ammo etc. It's the players fitting the system that makes it work.
  8. I recall a lot of games under Pressley when we played thst system. Farid lead the line well with Duffie bombing forward, Higgy providing ammo etc. It's the players fitting the system that makes it work.
  9. You get the team playing correctly it works a treat and gets you results.
  10. You really have it bad. Quite sweet really.Question though, has Houston or any Falkirk supporter ever shat in your kettle? I honestly haven't got an issue with QOS. Well run club, punching above its weight and sustained it over the past few seasons.
  11. Taken from one of the young teams posts on the COYB Facebook page who said he would like to see the lad come to us.
  12. Miller looking short of fitness but holding ball up well and linking up well with Shepherd.
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