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Crawford Baptie

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Everything posted by Crawford Baptie

  1. If we had lost I'd be like a Gorilla with a bunnet on lol.
  2. Rory Loy to be fit for this, score the winning goal and break his leg..
  3. Have the play offs mate. I'm looking forward to 3 weeks off before the Scottish Cup final...
  4. I'll see your Mathers and raise you an Ian Pishwater.
  5. For me it's the alleged wages he is getting, as well as the fact that he isn't really that good a keeper.Bobby Olejnik is better than him.
  6. The goalie situation is a a funny one. I wouldn't mind Bowman getting a start from the off next season with an experienced back up, possibly taking up the coaching role.The likes of Blair, T Grant and Dick will hopefully get their chances too.
  7. Falkirk looking at Cuthbert. Very good goalkeeper and it's just a shame for him that McGurn is as good as he is.
  8. Why????Cuthbert is a proven goalkeeper in this division and has played a few seasons in the Premier League. I would be happy enough with him coming in.
  9. Kevin Cuthbert being linked with us. That's only if MacDonald decides he wants to play elsewhere. The decision should be taken out of his hands.
  10. The thing with both those back 3's Monkey was that they could read the game well.
  11. Yogi, Joe McGlaughlin and Ollie played in a back 3 a few times and they never had much pace.
  12. Duffie as a wingback (fine), but as defending right back, suspect. McCracken as part of a back 3/5. Doubt Sibbald will be here or will be sold after the first 3 games like McGrandles was.
  13. Was always the fist guy to clap the supporters when the teams came out and when the game finished. He needed Dodds beside him to talk him through games though. A bit like Kevin Christie and Den Biemen I'd say.
  14. A fit Weatherston was an asset for us on the wing.
  15. Most of Houston's signings are with us next season regardless of whether we like it or not. He will have money to spend and has to nail it from the get go. I'm not that bothered if MacDonald stays. I font particularly rate him anyway. There are cheaper opitions out there who are on a par with him or better in my opinion. The need for at least 2 strikers is really important. We can't have the issue that we have now with no Loy.
  16. Potentially having Biabi and Morgan up top for the semi is worrying.
  17. I'm sure he will miraculously appear for our semi final and if things aren't going well, go off.
  18. 're players possibly coming in next season, I've always liked the look of Cawley at Alloa. However at 25 should he not be at a better club than them if he is as good as he looks. Maybe an attitude thing, maybe just unlucky.
  19. Berwick at Tynie would be great but would never happen. Hibs for revenge.
  20. The same as I saw from the kelpie over the same amount of games. Nowt much.
  21. The Kelpie looked horrendous after a few sub appearances and starts. Then with an extended run in the team, he proved his worth.I'm sure Morgan would do the same. However with Loy and Baird playing so well together, his chances will be limited.
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