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Posts posted by RC55 FFC

  1. Good gesture from FFC to pay for the buses and it was a shame that only 1 had taken up the offer to travel.

    I've often thought in this situation that if the club are happy to pay for buses, organise a few from the stadium.

    There's many fans who go by car, train or indeed a bus who just aren't running and would certainly travel on a free coach.

    Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril

  2. My mate got a reply from the club regarding pricing for this weekend.

    Apparently FFC wanted reduced pricing however CFC could not agree to it and therefore pricing has defaulted under Scottish cup rules to the home clubs lowest priced league adult price.

    Shame really as was never going to be a huge crowd but will Probobly be pitifully low now. 1500 at the very best.

    Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril

  3. With regards the completion of the stadium, I think it is the right thing to do for the long term benefit of the club, especially as we are now 100% located there, training and all.

    I don't believe for a second the club want to waste money on 000s more seats but to actually use the East side for money generating facilities and dare I say it in hope, a safe standing area.

    I'd like to see a moderate covered terrace, maybe 1500 or so, with a gym and indoor facility either side of it. You only need to look at Broadwood now to see how they maximised that empty land.

    Along with the new cafe/bar/lounge being already created on the 1st floor of the South stand the club would finally, other than the 4G pitch start to make money and full use of the stadium.

    Let's remember we currently see no income from;

    5 a side pitches

    Office rental

    Westfield Lounge

    The bulk of income generated from the hospitality lounges.

    Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril

  4. Pretty poor there's no seating option for away fans at Awfulview next Saturday.

    I love terracing and can't wait to get back on it but some fans, especially the elderly will struggle to stand for over 90mins or will not be able to attend at all.

    I'm not being funny, but Shire won't need 700 seats in that main stand, some - even just 150 - should be made available to FFC.

    On another note, I heard at the game last night we are just shy of having sold 2,650 season tickets. A great figure.

    Sent from my iPhone using Pie & Bovril

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