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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Since when did Farage's "history, culture and religion" relate to Baptists in New York State? What a prize fud.
  2. I suspect the only ones who didn't find that scene hilarious were brain dead bigots themselves
  3. I'm guessing something to do with sustainable transport
  4. Alf Garnet's character was the racist idiot, rather like the Major on Fawlty Towers and the various Little Britain and Python characters. All very well however middle-class white folk lampooning racism in the name of satire, but I wonder what black folk made of it at the time? I expect most of them switched off...
  5. A very simplistic answer is that black kids had role models who made the top of the game to aspire to, despite all the barriers. Asian kids have had f**k all in the way of that so far in football terms, and are probably more comfortable in the less-racist environment of cricket.
  6. I see the Monty Python quiz show sketch with Mrs Scum declaring "I don't like darkies" and quizmaster Cleese laughing hysterically and responding "Who does?" has vanished from YouTube.
  7. Probably a small percentage are losing out through recruitment discrimination, with the overwhelming disadvantage being the disproportionate numbers of minority ethnic children being brought up in poverty conditions and having a subsequent impact on achieving the necessary grades in education.
  8. Cassettes were my thing back in the day. I've also got the habit of needing to purchase everything that whatever band/ artiste I've been into at the time has ever produced. Over the years this has included: Supertramp The Beatles The Doors Van Morrison Half Man Half Biscuit
  9. "Englanders" When did this term come about?
  10. Yes. Been given a lot of airplay on Radio 6.
  11. You're having a bit of a 'mare today mate. Time for a wee break and self-reflection. You' ve managed this before and can do it again.
  12. Do we know if players will be taking the knee when Scottish football resumes?
  13. Stopping just short of the s*******e word there Chris. Relax and float upstream
  14. My favourite Coldplay moment was some raging bigot on Follow Follow complaining about a song with the lyric "Roman Catholic choirs are singing" being played at Ibrox.
  15. On the receiving end of cuntish behaviour for the first time since the outbreak, walking to shop there. Passing by some absolute cretin, who chose that moment to exhale cigarette smoke in my face. Regretting now that I waited until reaching the shop before putting on my mask
  16. Punctured the roof of my mouth eating a Boost chocolate bar three days ago straight from the fridge. I'm still not in a good place* *No Lochee/ Methil jokes please comrades
  17. When you realise that Scottish commentators need to up their game
  18. Have you ever tried to properly clean all the high up surfaces in your kitchen with just using a frying pan occasionally? f**k going back to a deep fat frier.
  19. No, with the greatest respect, she is wrong. Let the kids speak their mother tongue
  20. I fell out with my mum over that very issue, as I refused to correct my two children as it was common usage in the playground. Never felt comfortable with the "speak proper English" argument.
  21. Agreed. Most chip shops fail to do a decent battered haddock. When done properly a fish supper is excellent
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