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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Why anyone would wash their arse, then their eyes defies logic
  2. I don't know what kind of pubs you inhabit, but the only places I go to that you would receive pelters, are if you behave like a fud
  3. It would appear to be so, given certain posts have been deleted. My apologies to Bennett. I genuinely thought he had been trolling...
  4. "that Motherwell player" played his part in one of the greatest games in recent Scottish football. Thanks for the reminder! Superb afternoon
  5. In France and Spain you can get a beer in McDonalds. In Austria you can get a half decent cake. Forgot the point I was trying to make there
  6. Then I think you need to make yourself a bit clearer. You're coming across as being all over the shop
  7. It absolutely isn't. You seem to be suggesting that the public should ignore advice if they feel that, in their opinion, the virus is less of a threat, in a hypothetical situation in the future
  8. That doesn't make any sense at all. Are you suggesting progress can only be made if people do not adhere to scientific advice?
  9. Blackbirds are my new favourite species. Always full of positivity. Sometimes I whistle back to Brian when he pays me a visit in my back garden.
  10. My 86 year old Polish father-in-law ended up in A&E this afternoon. The heat got too much for him during his daily walk. Two old dears phoned an ambulance and made sure he was okay. His English isn't too great but an interpreter was found, and he was looked after until he recovered. Great care. No charge for the service provided. This is what it should be all about.
  11. Linekar is one of English fitba's good guys.
  12. Quite obviously you, given the number you brandish. Also, is it not a coloured square?
  13. Marshie's reputation seems to have taken a bit of a dip in the last few weeks. Has there been a another cranial detachment or two?
  14. Not a massive fan of racism or homophobia, so cards tend to be marked. I'm not entirely sure whether my input helps from thereon in. Might be counterproductive
  15. You don't think what is "happening in London" is significant? I wonder why Tories up here are suddenly wanting to distance themselves from Westminster...
  16. A classic case of giving someone enough rope. Nicola and the UK opposition just need to play a waiting game. Johnson will do the Tory thing and act in self interest surely now
  17. Dodging a discussion again, by juvenile insults I see. Are you still a racist?
  18. At some point the heat will be on Johnson more than the individual he is attempting to defend. This is when the Golden Tory rule will kick in.
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