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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Aye, when she was 15 years old. Never forget that she is the villain in all of this... Supposedly
  2. Says the poster responsible for turning this into the Oh God it's Todd thread
  3. I'm quite looking forward to the new social distancing rules in pubs. Saves me having to listen to the pub bore, who would inevitably be droning on and on about how Lockdown was a waste of time, in addition to dubious views about other issues like climate change etc.
  4. Got belted, aged 8 for losing my place at reading. Some might describe it as character building, but I'm still an arsehole with a low concentration span. So, fail, on so many levels...
  5. Sounds a whole lot more fun than teaching a bunch of gobby teenagers to be honest
  6. So you are now championing Trump's approach to the pandemic. As a climate change denier this is unsurprising
  7. I'm flabbergasted that Inverness and its surrounds has RAF schemes
  8. 2 minutes and 16 seconds without mentioning 1966
  9. Professor Longhair, on the other hand, got overlooked. Probably because he was dead. But all the same, the point stands. No James Brown, Lee Dorsey, Al Green, James Carr, Smokey Robinson, Gil Scot Herron etc
  10. Quite liked Elvis Costello singing All You Need is Love. Neil Young was predictably spaced out of his tits. I remember thinking at the time about the almost complete absence of black artists
  11. There is a big space at the bottom crying out for one of Throbber's rainbow knobs. Come on Throbber!
  12. They probably realise, like most educated Europeans, that they are bigoted anti-Catholic c***s
  13. A Chip Shop in Poznan by Ben Aitken. Liking it a lot
  14. Philpy has got previous for Lee Wallacing his neighbours. So I for one am putting my faith in the linolicking c**t doing the correct thing
  15. The analogy would work twice as well if he was wearing trousers as well as pants
  16. His biggest claim to fame was managing to create the stereotypical "canny Presbyterian Scot". Not a fan Big team found etc
  17. Discouraging holidays to Spain is unlikely to be a political decision by the Scottish Govt.
  18. My daughter has been up from London working from home since just before Lockdown. She does a half decent number 3 sides & back and general tidy up, not forgetting the eyebrows. And no holiday chat pish
  19. I noticed that Tesco have ditched their one way system today, although we are still required to maintain the two chevrons apart
  20. Out of interest, what do you think the BLM movement was created for? It pretty obviously started as a reaction to the disproportionate numbers of unarmed black individuals being killed by white policemen. Unless you have another explanation...
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