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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. I'm almost tempted to say that it's the only language these cretins understand. Except in all honesty they are probably too braindead to get it...
  2. Great pic from January 1971. ! We have actually faced them since in 1985-86. Again lost after a replay...
  3. This was a question I asked way back in the thread. How much does the quality of the whisky deteriorate once the bottle has been opened?
  4. Technically they could if there was a Falkirk Wheel type thingmy in place. And the barges contained water...
  5. News presenters describing Trump as the leader of the free world. No he fucking isn't. He's the president of a country who wants to build a massive wall around it...
  6. I think you should show a bit of faith in the manager's judgement. He hasn't done too much wrong so far. Getting the right player takes a bit longer than getting a player...
  7. Do you honestly expect the club to go public on which players the manager is interested in?
  8. Driving from Dundee I head for Airdrie via the A73, turn off as directed before hitting Airdrie at a sign saying Coatbridge 3 miles. It then invariably goes pear shaped with train lines all over the place causing all kinds of confusion. A day return to Coatdyke, a wee saunter down to Big Owen's and a two minute walk to the ground just seems like so much less hassle...
  9. The complete absence of signage to Scottish fitba grounds for motorists. Special mention to whichever council is responsible for Coatbridge as despite having driven there 20 plus times I always, always get lost. Probably why I prefer to train it these days...
  10. Heartfelt by Aidan Smith is a terrific read. A Hibee who follows Hearts for a season...
  11. I was pleasantly flabbergasted to learn that St Johnstone had allowed him out on loan again this season...
  12. Before Christmas my daughter asked what kind of whisky I liked. Anything except Whyte & Mackay I said, stupidly forgetting that I can't stand US whiskeys. I've now got a bottle of Benchmark 8 year old bourbon. Any suggestions for a mixer to make this stuff palatable? I was thinking along the lines of Ginger Ale. Might need to go down the Tizer or Red Cola route if that doesn't work...
  13. I mainly read fitba books. Scottish ones mostly. Last completed one was about Berwick Rangers, which disappointingly turned out not to be a history of the club. Currently reading a Miller's Tale, autobiography of Willie. Decent enough but didn't really need to be ghost written...
  14. I gave up smoking when I was 12. A Damascus moment behind the school bike sheds. The best description I've heard about the addiction is an urgent itch that requires scratching on a regular basis. Basically a form of eczema of the lungs. I've had a mild form of eczema in the past. It's not pleasant...
  15. Arseholes who take off in their cars after four inches of overnight snow, having cleared a two foot square space on their windscreen for the journey ahead. Job done you absolute cretins...
  16. Folk that describe a pub as serving a good pint. Normally referring to Tennents lager. It's the same extra cold fizzy stuff as served up in 90 percent of boozers throughout Scotland, providing the bar staff remember to clean the pipes every couple of months ferfuxache!
  17. A thread already ruined by another annoying Facebook trait - 500 plus comments by absolute muppets tagging their friends, making it a two hour job getting to see the original exchanges...
  18. Splashback when taking a shite. We should have introduced the jobby shelf when we were in the EU and had the chance...
  19. Still on the New Years Day party leftovers. Chiefly cheese and biscuits. Got a box of chocolate liqueurs for dessert. All is good...
  20. What are the loads more you get in addition to all the channels?
  21. Roxy Music ACDC Ultravox Any band involving Eric Clapton Motorhead
  22. Poor use of the past participle, particularly by radio pundits (Derek Ferguson) bothers me far more than it actually should...
  23. On the subject of suitcases. What's the wrapping them in clingfilm all about?
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