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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. Aston Villa kit is a rip-off of Dryburgh Boys' Club
  2. The kick off time will have quite a few arriving last minute I'd imagine
  3. Folk being interviewed, answering almost every question with "Do you know what?"
  4. I wonder if it's got to the point where we don't give air space to bigoted morons with a thread like this. 99 percent (probably more) in Scotland find these cretins repulsive. Maybe a thread where we can simply celebrate the progression of Scottish cricket might be the way forward.
  5. Tunnock's products remain on my boycott list. Petty as anything I know. Since Trump got binned, I still haven't purchased any US stuff. Mostly because there is f**k all that they've produced worth buying.
  6. Folk who wear hats indoors, or outdoors, for that matter, when it's not raining..
  7. Acht, P&B is important stuff for some folk. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Did you say nurses though?
  8. In many ways the health care system is more culpable than the individual here. From time to time there will be some seriously messed up folk. Messed up enough to go on a spree of killing the most vulnerable human beings. In this case babies. It's utterly tragic but surely avoidable. The non-messed up folk need to get their act together. The comparison with Savile is a "good" one.
  9. Bonnie Prince Charlie's coupon has apparently been recreated. I smell shite
  10. That stupid "100" emoji with the 3 clappy hands. A hundred what?
  11. Both Embra teams going through as things stand..
  12. Rumours coming through of an unlikely Hibernian goal probably
  13. As far as I can tell, as things stand, Hertz are slightly more likely to Hertz it than Hibs are to Hibs it.
  14. Hibs updates on Twitter are sporadic as f**k. Slightly off topic, I know
  15. Clark could get a juggling gig at the Fringe with that performance. Or maybe not..
  16. Nipped into the Taybridge Bar for a swift one after work and the missus phones on the way back from the hairdressers. "Where are you?" "Waiting for the bus" The lassie behind the bar decides to put on the jukebox. "More than a feeling" full blast. Caught bonnie, as they say in this neck of the woods.
  17. Was liberally applied on the bottom half. I'm a massive butter fan but not keen on it melted. The thinking behind this is delving into it before the butter gets a chance to melt too much. I do realise that taking a photograph kind of defeats this purpose
  18. There was a guy with a White Power tattoo emblazoned across his back at Lochee Swimming baths today. Lochee is multi-cultural these days (not that that should necessarily come into the equation) , big Nigerian community. Should I fire off an email to Dundee Council, or maybe confront the racist fucker and risk getting my head kicked in? There are black and Asian families using the pool on a regular basis.
  19. East Fife progressed at Dens Park on kicks from the penalty mark. Dundee B made a decent fist of it (steady Kenneth) but we seem to be half decent at pens these days..
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