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Everything posted by squeezebox-son

  1. I notice JD lasted long at Ayr United... By getting rid of him they have given themselves a real chance of survival. Especially as they have sacked him before the transfer window and he would only have made their squad weaker.
  2. Yeah, I just genuinely think he isn't very good. I think he just very rarely actually looks like a goalkeeper. There were a few other occasions on Satueday alone where he should have been off his line much quicker to collect something simple, or he runs out to nowhere and gets nothing on the ball. Someone who is a reasonably competent 'keeper does those things routinely and we aren't put under pressure so much.
  3. It certainly appears like the squad (or majority of it) had themselves a night out in Newcastle last night. I appreciate they aren't technical breaking any rules but surely that kind of thing is unnecessary. Can you imagine if we have a COVID outbreak by the middle of the week and have to call off next weekends game? I know all my family decided not to go to Christmas nights out because they'd rather have Christmas day with family etc. I've had party nights (gigs) cancelled and Hogmanay has also been pulled and I haven't had any nights out arranged at all this year.
  4. There's no doubting they have been bad signing but even combined they have cost us less goals than Ramsbottom, so I don't consider that a raise at all. Boyle shouldn't play for a team at this level ever again. Geggan is fine as a squad player and has even chipped in a couple of goals at the correct end of the park and Syvertson has done nothing of course.
  5. I've said it before and I'll say it again... our worst signing of the summer was re-signing Ramsbottom. He is absolutely dreadful and shouldn't be anywhere near this level as a first choice. The fact we have absolutely no competition for him is a farce as well. The rest of the team do us no favours either. The experienced guys do anything but lead by example. Not good enough.
  6. This kind of thing is right up my street but unfortunately I simply can't commit the time required to do it! Between balancing things I currently have on, gigs and having a young family it is near impossible for me to give up the time required. I studied media a few (good few now... ) years ago and I asked about getting a few of us involved at the time. There wasn't much response from the club and it didn't go anywhere really. But the whole thing itself would be invaluable to a student who is looking to gain hands on experience and maybe has to completely a project for a graded unit or other assessment. It ticks all of the boxes for sure.
  7. Are there highlights available from the match? I planned on going and in the end didn't even manage to tune in via the steam.
  8. Said it before and stand by my feelings on this. We may well end up bottom this season and many of our support are unconvinced about Faz but at least we rolled the dice when things were dreadful. The longer Danny Lennon is there the harder it'll be to change things when he does inevitably leave.
  9. Well... given I've seen pretty much every other match this season and he managed to give away another penalty I was giving my summary on his performances over the season and not on this single match. Sorry if that wasn't clear... but I think everyone else managed to get the point and - so far - are in agreement.
  10. Wow. That is pretty embarrassing stuff to hear...
  11. Without having seen the game today... I think it is clear to see why Buchanan ended up back at Dumbarton. This appears to be his level and especially without a commanding/experienced partner beside him he looks like a bomb scare every week. The amount of bookings, pens, silly fouls is ridiculous. How many Pens have we given away this year? How many has be been responsible for? Ps, hurry back Ryan
  12. That was possibly a bigger win today than we realise in terms of stopping the rot before our potential huge banana skin. If we can grab ourselves a routine and comfortable win next week it might just get us back on track.
  13. True, but most importantly we won as well. If we had lost then we would be 9th tonight. We can't control other results and just need to get our own form sorted out. The rest will happen however it happens. But I agree it was a big win today!
  14. Ahh, that's nothing... try 4 in the same match before you come on moaning
  15. Ahh, you are correct. Must be a nightmare having so many players getting red cards eh...
  16. Mendy seems a bit of a liability surely? Should've seen red in the last match against us and then was sent packing the next week (I think) in the first minute or so? I just knew when I seen the sending off it would be him.
  17. Double (well triple as of last Weds) vaccinated. Nose is running and sneezing loads. Very mild in the grand scheme. Surprise results like this help... Still not worth £18 though
  18. This is the perfect example of increasing your prices not necessarily increasing your profits. I now know of 5 people (3 on this forum) who would have paid £10/12 for the stream but won't pay the £18. You have to assume there are a fair few others too. It's fair enough but I, like you, believe that anyone who wants to go to the game will go and anyone else will be put off by that £18 price tag.
  19. Yeah, I didn't like the £12 price tag on East Fife's stream but that's about my cut off. You can get into a game at the rock for £16. Welcome back to the seaside leagues Alloa...
  20. £18? I think I'll give it a miss today even though I'm stuck in the hoose isolating...
  21. I genuinely thought at half time we'd had the better of the first half and all we needed/lacked was a goal to show for it. Clyde had lots of the ball and a couple of shots but didn't really do much with it, in my opinion. That being said, there wasn't a huge amount in it and for our poor finishing and dreadful defending we got exactly what we deserved.
  22. Seeing it back, I wonder whether a more competent 'keeper would dive out and collect that. Many goalies simply command there area, in particular the 6 yard box. At the time I was pinning things 100% on the defence and I still think that is shocking defensively. I'm trying not to blame it on Ramsbottom again as I have criticised him in recent week and don't want to make this a witch hunt or whatever.
  23. I seriously seen nothing today that made me thought he dived at any time. I don't even think he claimed for a foul after the challenge in your box in the first half, did he? Thought a couple of the Clyde players were a bit heavy handed today. First half one of your guys forced a forearm into the back of Schiavone's head needlessly and 2nd half Tade manhandled Carswell only to be awarded the foul and our player booked...
  24. Absolute nonsense. He got stick all game *for no reason that I could see* and decided to give something back. He hardly ran right up to the fence an gave you a GIRUY or whatever. He's as entitled to do what he done as your fans are to boo him for no reason, if not moreso for the unwarranted stick he was getting. Your fans are a bunch of neds who were the only ones out of control during that match. Simple.
  25. How didn't he control himself? It was the fans who went out on to the pitch who lacked control surely? When did he dive?
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