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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. We need a cheap experienced backup for Gallacher so I wouldn't be surprised.
  2. Thought that one was too good to be true. We'd have needed to stretch the wage budget to beat off the competition and it looks like that ain't going to happen.
  3. He's done okay. we really missed him for the second playoff game against united. Still not back to his best but a break and full pre season will do him the world of good. The one good thing out the injury was that we managed to get him to sign an extended contract so alls good now.
  4. He was excellent at Sunderland who had him on the right wing , Nicky Summerbee on then left and Quinn and Phillips up front.
  5. The question is do we really need 5 central midfielders in our squad? Houston is loathe to play him in his most suited position so he'll end up either fighting it out with Craigen and McKee for one of the centre mid positions or will get stuck out on the left wing instead of Hippo . This again would mean a serious lack of pace in the squad with only Harris if he starts with any pace about him. We need a right back, a left back and a striker. Once these 3 slots have been filled we'll be looking a lot better whether sibbald signs or not.
  6. My bad I thought Devlin was still under 22. If we've got the cash to sign up Sibbald and still cover all the other areas where we're short then great but at the end of the day the deal for him has been on the table for a while so it obviously his least preferred option. Aslong as we've still got money in the budget to get in a right back and a left back which should now be our priorities if Loy is on his way.
  7. Can't see Grant extending his deal again to be honest. Would it not perhaps be more likely to be Hippo or Austin? I'm in two minds a bit too about Sibbald resigning to be honest. Good player but lets face it if he signs he'll only be doing it for a year because no ones interested in paying compo for him. Next year he'll then bugger off for hee haw. We should be saying two year deal like it or lump it. Plus the fact is we never use him in his best position. He's too slow to play wide left and we've got centre mids coming out our ears. Knowing Houston he'll sign Stanton and sibbald just to make sure we've got enough central midfielders even though we're crying out for a right back and a left back. Devlin would be an excellent signing but he'll cost cash and there's a pile of clubs after him . Would be a coup though if we pulled that one off.
  8. That'll be 3 trips to LEGOLAND if u go to paisley twice this season
  9. Their mugs are cancelled out though by elephant man John McGinn.
  10. I'm surprised Houston got pelters for signing Loy when it was actually Gary Holt .
  11. He needs to play every week in my opinion. Got more and more inconsistent on the goals front the longer he was with us. Very streaky. Will go for weeks not being able to hit a barn door and then have a decent spell . He'll certainly run about a lot though.
  12. Connor Sammon would probably do ok at championship level to be honest. David Clarkson on the other hand....Houston got very lucky that he kb'd us for motherwell or he couldve been added to the ever growing list of Houston flop signings.
  13. Yeah was always going to be an away game due to the daft timing of the summer concerts. Not much tougher places to start either.
  14. We'd need to sign a left mid if that was the plan. Or stick sibbald out there again if he stays although it's not his best position.
  15. Yeah christie was the only name i.could think of but I wasn't sure whether he'd come through the highland academy or not. Ross County havent done much better at bringing through young talent as far as I can we either.
  16. Surely you guys must have some young talent to call on. The highland academy has been going for years now and it doesn't seem to have produced an awful lot of first team regulars or big money sales.
  17. Your right. Thats what I was trying to say. Only time will tell who was the better signing.
  18. Surely only time will tell if he was the best signing of this season. If he scores 20 odd goals next season and gets a big money move then he may well be. If he gets injured does hee haw and ends up at the shire then we'll stick with Dobbie. Signing of the season is a lot different to player of the season and should be judged over time.
  19. Good player but I would never say he won us the league unlike someone like Stainrod.
  20. Look on the bright side its only a one year deal and not the 2 year rumoured.
  21. Yes you could never fault his effort but he was getting more and more inconsistant goals wise unfortunately. as you say we're needing that wee bit more quality up top if we're to get promotion.
  22. The main worry would be if one of them came in purely as a backup player and then Gallacher got sold at the last jap or injured early doors. We need somebody cheap but also not utterly hopeless.
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