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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. 4 Stadium Way, Falkirk FK2 9EE Don't see any mention of Grangemouth.
  2. They'll be queued round the block tomorrow for season tickets if thats true
  3. I agree to a certain extent. I suppose the problem is that strikers are such an important part of your team. Can you really hang on till later in the close season for someone like Loy to find that he then doesn't become available and all the other options are away. It's a bit of a gamble at our level unfortunately.
  4. Where am I putting the boot into the club? I don't actually have an issue with the length of the early bird. I was simply pointing out that a lot of people wait until they get paid until they pay for their ticket. Its the same every year. The club to me though cant set out an early bird period of a month and then complain because people haven't bought their ticket within the first two weeks of it. The fact its called early bird would imply that even if you buy it on the last day your still buying it early and yet the chief exec is on telling fans to hurry up and buy them.
  5. Just maybe people don't have the cash swilling about to pay for a season just now and are having to wait till then till they actually can afford it. If they are that desperate for the cash then perhaps they should've had the season ticket sales start a wee bit earlier, It was nearly a fortnight after we got bumped out the playoffs before they went on sale so they missed out on peoples May pay date for a start.
  6. I was really surprised last season that he didn't get more of a chance. Whilst the season before you had a red hot Hemmings keeping him out the team last season your top scorer was Haber on what 8 and players like el bacteria only scored what 3. Surely wouldve been worth giving him more game time.
  7. Houston was on the radio saying that Loy looks to be staying at Dundee for the moment due to the new manager coming in and the other problem is him finding a team willing to take on his 1700 quid a week wages. I could see him starting the season at Dundee and then moving on loan perhaps if he doesnt make an impact as I cant see either of our teams affording those kinds of wages.
  8. I think it was the timing and the fact that none of the money brought in ever saw the light of day that stunk to be honest. To then pish his wages down the drain on Rankin kind of put the tin lid on it. Whilst we had to let him move on the fact that none of the cash was being reinvested in the team was extremely disappointing after everyone had shelled out for season tickets. A lot of people will be waiting till pay day I would presume to buy so the next week or so is going to be very important. If we sign Harris and Loy signs for the saints then I can see a lot of people deciding not to bother I'm afraid.
  9. I wonder if last year's experience has also put a few folk off. Selling vaulks immediately after the early bird sales period must've pissed a few folk off.
  10. Their obviously getting a bit worried over the lack of season ticket sales so far. I'm sure people will buy but we need to improve the feel about the place. Whatever u think of st mirren theres a buzz about their place at the moment. We need to show we mean business by making a couple of major signings and then season ticket sales will begin to flow.
  11. With Dundee' s current lack of striking options I doubt loy will be going anywhere till McCann has had a decent look at him. I also presume if he goes anywhere it'll be a loan move again as I can't see anyone in this league matching his wages and I doubt Dundee will waste money paying him off.
  12. The boy Mcginn is a decent player and is the kind of quality signing I'd like to see us making. If st mirren and queens can sign players with that extra bit of quality then surely we should be able to.
  13. Yeah but both aren't good enough. We'd have been better binning watson and using Muirhead at centre back and then signing another rb. Either that or at least stick kidd on the transfer list.
  14. We still need a right back, another left back and a striker. We've already got Kerr, taiwo, McKee and Craigen for centre mid so even without sibbald there's no point in signing another one. 3 quality signings and a right mid that isn't Harris and we won't be far away.
  15. We needed better than both McHugh and Baird if we're going to win the league.
  16. You can't fault his effort but he's past his best and needs to play every week as he's hopeless off the bench.
  17. I wouldn't get excited over a half decent 45 mins including a goal McGovern should've stopped.
  18. If he can't find a better right back than Muirhead then he shouldn't be in the job. We've been playing him as a stop gap for two seasons now and it wouldn't surprise me if he started this season again in that position even though his shortcomings were badly exposed again in the play-off second leg.
  19. Having seen them both play it's an easy choice.
  20. If correct then an excellent signing. Was a handful when at raith and the kind of player we should be looking to sign. Falkirk don't make me angry at all. Frustrated yes as we're not that far away from having a decent side if 3 or 4 players of quality are added. I hardly think I'm asking too much though looking for a bit better quality in the door than Alex Harris.
  21. Signing some quality players would certainly cheer me up. We need better quality to win this league and not the likes of Harris whose been punted out on Loan to various outfits over the past few seasons as he's not even been deemed good enough for the hibees bench.
  22. Surely not . I can't believe we've trawled the whole of British football for a right winger and he's the best we could come up with. We'd have been swell keeping aird. Surely loy may become available on a loan deal later in the summer. I presume no mention of sibbald. How long can he hold us to ransom for?
  23. The last time we went down that root the club nearly went under and we're still paying for it by being stuck in this league.
  24. I cant see us signing anyone on 3 or 4 year deals especially guys at 29-30.
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