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Everything posted by johnnydun

  1. Some whizz kid needs to put a top hat on him in that pic with Pep.
  2. For once I think we have a board I actually like. Our books must be looking ok if we dont need to sell. Nelms comes across with a very refreshing look on things.
  3. Hibs win cup, Hibs fan celebrate cup win by pitch invasion, Sevco players shit themselves, Sevco players walk quick paced off, Sevco fans invade pitch for a fight, Hibs fans fight back, Police enter scene, Sevco fans shit themselves, Sevco fans feel hard done by after loss and shitting themselves, Media agree as it was meant to be Sevco that lifted the cup, Media blame Hibs.
  4. [quote name="Granny Danger" post="10478297" timestamp="1463837257" My barber's a Sevco fan so it should be an interesting time between our relegation and their promotion. . Sounds quite dull TBH
  5. Its not even been confirmed yet. He may of been pissed off for another reason?
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