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Status Updates posted by GFARAB82

  1. Micky Mellon's Tangerine Army

  2. 7,24,39 Get In

  3. Congrats to The Saints and The Sheep good for the game!!!

  4. Dentist is a joke I thought appointment at 1040am (it was 940) they cancelled next week and saying I have to pay them money to go back wtf !!!

  5. f**k GMS Telfer all the way

  6. GIRFUY Sheep 1-0 hahahahahahahahaa

  7. Happy New Year from me and Jo xxxx

    1. Pure Mental

      Pure Mental

      Say Hi to Jo for me plz

  8. Howay The Lads - FM with The Toon!!!

  9. Missed last nights Corrie so i go on STV player and i notice STV are making the website suck by having people join their crappy site wtf, it should be free and you shouldnt have to be a friggin member not good website management grrrr

    1. itzdrk


      It is free and you don't have to join...

  10. Nearly got banned from tescos because got asked for id and told lady to f off ffs !!!

  11. No toilet paper! Goodbye socks!

  12. Old Facebook pics part 1

  13. paul's fave song i heard lol

  14. PS4 name tag: captainziggles82 get adding folks ;)

  15. Richard Dawkins should be ashamed of himself tosser !!!!

    1. stonedsailor


      What's he done now?

  16. says : being single is better than being in a bad relationship ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Addie


      Getting binned is pretty shite I suppose. Never happened me though COS AM SUCH A STUD.

    3. harry94


      That's deep man.

    4. Gaz


      U ok ***?

  17. Some posh whores in shops these days boils your piss with their customer service skills or lack of grr!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamboMikey


      Elliot Rodger imo.

    3. RobBairn1876


      Hate getting my piss boiled by posh whores man, feel your pain.

    4. Rabbi Williams

      Rabbi Williams

      think I've seen that one...was it on TVX last night?

  18. To subscribe or not to subscribe to the WWE Network for 9.99? choices choices probs wait on this one though :D

    1. peeeel


      Not a WWE fan but boys I know are raving about it.

    2. thepundit


      $9.99 converts to £6.60 yet the price is £9.99?.... Shocking.

  19. Trains need update their timetables says 956 and it leaves at 954 ffs

    1. Gaz


      You need update your English

    2. Addie


      Ah ken. The other day someone on the train said to me 'See you later'. I didn't see them later and I was very angry.

  20. Trying watch films u aint seen with Jo is like watching with the Gestapo getting asked a question almost every minute of the film lol

    1. SodjesSixteenIncher


      HAHA so fucking true man. Spot on.

    2. Albino Rover

      Albino Rover

      I vill ask you zees only once. EEZ HE ZE BAD GUY?!

    3. Albino Rover

      Albino Rover


  21. United may not have got a result but for atleast the first half and some of the 2nd half we gave Celtic a game and positives today for sure 3/4 decisions didnt go our way but thats life when you play Celtic so bring on the sheep !!!

  22. Welcome Robbie Muirhead right on the deadline WASC

  23. Why that poof why?

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