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Everything posted by rhliston

  1. Well their having to arrange a meeting to discuss the vote of No Confidence on the Board and given the fact that they have elected a new Chairman and Vice Chair without consulting the members, giving no chance to ask for nominations for places on the Board does not bode well for the current Trust Boards future. They seemed to have with this latest chapter managed to get people’s backs up. He’ll mend them if they lose this vote.
  2. Totally agree with your comments, the Trust has concentrated on reducing the debt on taking over the Club which is understandable in the circumstances and has neglected to deal with who does what and what the roles and responsibilities of the Exec Board of the Club and thus we have a situation now we find ourselves in, two fractions fighting each other supposedly in the best interests of the Club. Given the fact that the Trust called for an EGM of the Club`s Shareholders and as yet I as a Shareholder have not received any communication from the Club to when this EGM is to be held it does not bode well for the Club in the short term.
  3. So you should be worried, All I am going to say to you is 4 words Lothian Thistle Hutchinson Vale. [emoji24] Let’s hope for your sake Chris Smith is not out for any length of time, otherwise you might kiss goodbye to any playoff hopes.
  4. No chance he could afford to buy the Albion after the costs of his recent Court case. Surprised he his still with the Clyde, though he would have been gone by now playing for more money in the lower English league`s.
  5. Been playing with a couple of sides down in London, Dulwich Hamlet amongst others in the lower English Leagues.
  6. The Local businessman is a member of the Supporters Trust I understand, other than that don`t know much else about the ex SPL footballer, things are being kept confidential at the moment.
  7. Could be a good signing for you, always liked Sandy when he played for the Albion. Gives you something different up front.
  8. Their has been talks with the Supporters Trust who own 83% of the shares in the club between a Local Businessman and an ex EPL player about purchasing the Trust Shares, still in discussion. At the end of the day its up to members of the Supporters Trust to say yes or no to any offer to buy the shares.
  9. Can`t blame you that's 4 goals now in his last 2 games for us.
  10. Agree thou pity that they had to share the prize with the 2 singing guys.
  11. Agree re comments regarding the Q&A session in the Supporters Bar before the match with Dave MacKay. Came across well as someone who has the best interests of the Club at heart. Clearly hope we do the business this season and get to at least the playoffs this year.
  12. Agree just hope Darren does a good job for us starting this Saturday against Elgin. Over the next month we have 3 home games and we really should be looking at taking all 9 points from these games. As well as taking all 3 points when we visit Central Park to face the Blue Brazil, another 3-0 victory would do me fine.
  13. Just hope we get another Central Defender in soon, if rumours are to be believed he could be joining the Shire best of luck to him in the future.
  14. That's good to know the Albion are opposed to this idea. It would seem that a number of other clubs in League 2 are quite happy yo accept their 36 pieces of silver. Hell mend them.
  15. I would be most interested to find out the Clubs backing this plan and I hope the Club I support Stirling Albion are NOT in favour of this idea. No way would I go to any of these Colt games should it happen and I`m sure most supporters from other clubs are of the same opinion.
  16. Yes their should be Capital Punishment for certain types of crime, such as for serial killers, child killers, Police Killers, Prison Officers, where it can be proven that the killer/Killers deliberately went out of their way to kill people.
  17. One caught already and the father and son that took shelter in the chapel will be next to be caught after the son phoned his mother and gave their location by phone. Not one of the brightest things to do as the Hunters had her phoned tapped.
  18. Yep big difference to the teams that McLaren use to put out, although we need to improve our home form to keep us at the top.
  19. Agree don't understand why Cammy Binnie was dropped in the first place was it due to his error against Montrose or was their something ? Foden is imo is an accident waiting to happen. Don`t have much confidence in him and that makes the defence jittery when trying to defend. Interesting to see who is in goals in the Cup game, hopefully Dave makes the right decision and puts Binnie back in goals.
  20. Yes the disagreements and the reasons why were discussed at length and on the night the vote was taken and the majority of those present were in agreement with the motion to remove Stuart Brown going ahead at the Trust AGM. Now it's up to Trust members to decide to back the motion to remove Stuart Brown or not. Other than that I am not prepared to say on this Open Forum, the main details of what was said.
  21. To keep it brief, the meeting went on for nearly 1 and three quarter hours and a vote was taken at the end that by 32 votes to 23 votes it was agreed to put the motion to remove Stuart Brown to the vote at the Trust's AGM on Tuesday 12 September for the members to decide.
  22. Clearly their appears to be a rift between the Trust Board and Stuart Brown. Trust Board meeting called for Tuesday 29th, when Trust members will learn more.
  23. Says it all in that article, until Blair Henderson gets his finger out and works hard to adjust to the system Dave MacKay wants to play then he will be on the sidelines. Disappointed regarding the part re his fitness would have felt that a young player like him would have not needed to be told to improve his fitness. Time will tell if Blair Henderson fits in but it does not look good for his future at the Club, if after a few months he is still on the sidelines maybe a move away would suit both parties. Reckon if that is the case that will free up much needed funds for the promotion push in Jan
  24. Good result tonight for us, under the cosh in the second half , but fortunately for us, Isaac Layne missed numerous chances tonight for Brechin. Not changed much since we had him on loan, no wonder Alloa let him go. Interesting news regarding Blair Henderson if true, might be in the best interests of both parties to reach an acceptable agreement about his future at Forthbank, clearly Dave MacKay does not rate him and his presence at the club this season could only be down to the fact he is under contract for another year.
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