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Everything posted by djchapsticks

  1. Funny that they announce they are bringing this back right after the most successful talent ever to come out of the competition wins the WWE title.
  2. Best never to have been given the strap is Mr. Perfect in my opinion. The WWE Championship hasn't really had any proper stinkers (at the time I though JBL was, but they put him on a brilliant run with it and he did surprisingly well) except Vince, and even then it was a vehicle to further his feud with HHH as he relinquished it. The WHC though, well in WWE times alone, Khali and Mysterio have to both have shouts of that. ETA: Backlund's 2nd stint with the belt. I forgot about that. That was really bad (and mercifully only 3 days).
  3. Jackass 3D. Good, old fashioned dirty stunt comedy. I feel cheapened at watching it, but by Christ did I laugh. 8.5/10
  4. I'd say there's a decent chance, but they may go with this PG thing for a while yet. Vince had to be seen to be clearing the image of the company up as it would have been jumped upon by her competitors.
  5. What a tadger. Big tough Wrestler getting his mammy to phone the polis.
  6. I thought that he refused to sell a defeat to the leg drop, so it was decided Papa Shango was supposed to interfere and break the count leading directly to the DQ and beatdown. When it was obvious that he'd made an arse of though and he wasn't going to make it to the ring in time, Sid just kicked out anyway. At least that's what I thought. Anyway I'm sure the whole scenario was the reason Sid left first time around.
  7. Just finished watching that and the tears are fucking blinding me. That commentator came away with some of the funniest lines I've ever heard in a Wrestling match. 'The Clothesline from Hull.'
  8. That match looks like it was taped in someone's living room. You're right though, the commentator is one sarky bassa! 'Cage Tyler is wearing that armband in memory of his recently passed Guinea Pig.....either that or....no he's tied a knot in it so he's obviously reminding himself of something....cos it's like when yo-JEEEEESUS H CHRIST! A CHOP....TO THE CHEST!!' I nearly pished a bit.
  9. See a Red Fiesta leaving the Industrial Estate where I work with T4 CUM. Strangely enough it's a young guy of 20ish driving it and he certainly looks like the neddy typem and not in anyway light on his feet. He must take pelters for it.
  10. He's also probably one of the most intelligent and articulate men to set foot in a ring, which is incredible considering he should probably be in a vegetative state by now. I'm glad he ducked out when he did from his first WWE run. The fans still loved him but he simply couldn't take anymore, JR's old addage of career-shortening matches was very true in Foley's case. Scott Steiner - I don't know what it is about the guy, I just loved him as a character. I think part of it's to do in hindsight with the YouTube videos ripping the absolute piss out of his promo skills and the fact that most of the time he's rambling and incoherent or shouting 'GET MAH BAAAAGS', but it's given me so many laughs. His steriod use though was one of the most blatant cases of abuse that I can think of in wrestling though. In a few months he went from the big muscly guy he always was, to an absolute fucking monster of a man. Curt Hennig.
  11. In ring and on TV....Probably the greatest heel character of all time IMO. No-one has drawn so much heat for such a period of time as Vince and as the owner of the WWF, to propel himself right into the spot he did in 98 rather than bring in an outside talent to play the 'evil boss' character was a massive risk as it could have easily all gone wrong. Out of the ring. Say what you want good or bad about the guy but the fact is that for better or worse, he's revolutionised the world of Wrestling. Rick Rude.
  12. A good worker, who worked in probably one of the hottest matches of the 90s at Wembley, but just couldn't hold anyone's interest on the mic for long enough and that's probably why he was never given a serious push for the big one. Sycho Sid (Vicious/Justice)
  13. When Shad Gaspard was down in OVW, he was called the HNIC. 'Head Nigger in Charge'
  14. Correction. A slave, a pimp and a tribal savage. Also had Tony Atlas who had a short spell as Saba Simba, who came to the ring with a fucking spear to chuck. In fact when you think about it. Charles Wright has had a few stereotypical gimmicks thrown up at him. Kama Mustafa, the black militant. Godfather, the pimp and Papa Shango, a juju man.
  15. Hanging about backstage knifing folk no doubt.
  16. Hassan was a brilliant, edgy character. Probably too edgy for his time. His promos as mentioned above, had me nodding in agreement on more than one occasion. What he said was on more than one occasion true, yet the Redneck American audiences hated the absolute hell out of him. It was a masterstroke as well having Daivari there speaking in Persian (even though US audiences thought it was Arabic, but still generated major heat) as he was the lynchpin for the heavy heat to start. The WWE made a major arse of it by killing off the character after the London bombings, simply because of bad-timing. He could and would have been absolutely massive. Edited to add: Simply fantastic promo here from the next show following the Undertaker incident. You get the feeling that there is more than a hint of shoot here as he knows he's finished through no fault of his own. The American audience really show themselves up here as a small-minded lot as it was obvious the guy was talking from the heart.
  17. I'll go through the few I've watched recently on the Hard-Drive Toy Story - A classic. A film I've been able to watch again and again and is still as fresh now as it was 15 years ago (astonishing that it's 15). Cracking balance of comedy, seriousness, visual mastery and emotion. 9.5/10 From Paris with Love - A cracking, fast-paced but slightly clichéd action film. But I can forgive it as John Travolta puts in a fantastic performance and it's very funny in parts. Especially his first 20 minutes when we are being introduced to his character, Wax. 8.5/10 Funny People - Whilst I disagree with Andy in the post above me in some points he's spot on in others. I thought it was a decent film without being overly funny (which is rather disappointing) and was absorbing enough to keep me until the end, I did start to wane about the 2 hour mark, which is faaaaar too long for a film of this sort. They could have easily curbed it down to an hour and a half and Adam Sandler's character shows himself up as a total p***k. Was OK, but wouldn't sit through it a second time. 6/10 The Hangover - Unashamedly, one of my favourite Comedies ever. One I'll probably go back to in years to come and still laugh my arse off at. 10/10 The Heartbreak Kid - Decent turn for the Farrellys, not as funny as Kingpin and Something About Mary though. I quite like Ben Stiller, so will give any comedy he's in a spin. It had it's moments, but they weren't as full-on funny as I would have liked, still, I've seen far worse. 7/10 Toy Story 3 (3D) - Cracking Finale of a wonderful trilogy. I'm really glad they waited off on the 3rd movie and put together a strong script, rather than churn out meaningless sequels (much like the Shrek franchise has been doing) for the sake of merchandise. Emotional ending to the series and a genuinely funny film. By the time most 3rd films come about, the quality has dwindled rapidly. That's not the case here. Only downside was the loss of some of the other (albeit minor) characters, but I could understand that due to the amount of new characters added to the film. A cracker. 9/10
  18. Sheiky Baby is a class act. He's always fucking arses and making people humble. I don't know if he goes through his entire life putting on his game face and acting as if life's all just a great big work, or if he actually doesn't realise that he's not in the 1980s anymore and now in a world where breaking kayfabe isn't a big deal. Some vidoes I think he's genuinely lost it, other ones though I reckon he's trolling.
  19. It's a shame Mass Transit's dead. They could stick New Jack back in there with him.
  20. Is this the match that ends with Strong knocking Danielson out and trying to roll him over, then Danielson comes to and just elbows absolute fuck out of him to end the match? If so I remember watching it a few months back and it looked like there was some legit heat at the end of it as Danielson and Strong's elbow in the closing stages looked increasingly stiff. Both men spitting on one another and Dragon going bush at Strong. Really intense, but I'm assuming it was a worked part of the match?
  21. There have been dozens of rumours about him. Some say he's dead, others that he's a recluse living in a foreign country somewhere in Europe with a wife. I've heard the wheelchair rumour, he's now a door-to-door salesman and also that he actually lost his mind and disappeared off the face of the Earth without trace. He didn't even turn up to Killer Kowalski's funeral (who was his mentor and friend). The reality of the situation though is that he's completely dissociated himself with everyone and everything to do with wrestling in a bid to get himself totally clean, and now lives with his new wife in Minnesota.
  22. I don't know if this is just me. But as a rule I generally don't listen to anything anyone tells me about best types of techniques for running, or fitness in general (i.e Weights, eating patterns, etc.)and simply do it my own way. (I'm a bit of a yo-yo type though, go through it in obsessive spurts, but i'm determined to keep it going this time around). I'm motivated enough that when I'm in the gym, I can do a solid hour and 45 mins of pure cardio and not slack off. I do all of my running on a treadmill, no matter what anyone says about the advantages or disadvantages of it, I just find it a better, more enjoyable run where you can switch off and not worry about those around you. Also for someone with terrible ankles which are prone to twists and ligament tears, it's ideal knowing that I don't have to watch my step in case I stand on a chucky and tear it apart (seriously, it's that easy for me). My gym routine seems to be at the moment..... 20-25 mins treadmill run (10.5-12.5km/h), on a 1.0% gradient. 30 mins uphill walk (7.0-8.0km/h) on a 15.0% gradient. 20-25 mins on the cross trainer (starting at level 9, stepping up 4 levels every 5 mins, then dropping 3 and repeating 4/5 times so it gets gradually harder) 20-25 mins on stepper (proper escalator treadmill stepper in my gym and it's an absolute killer) One Nautilus Circuit (15 weight machines, 1 set of 12 reps on each at heaviest I can manage, no rest period gives a full body workout) 10 minutes warm down on bike or rower. This is my routine 5 days a week (Monday, then Wednesday-Saturday), except the Nautilus, I'm only doing that 3 times a week. I also sometimes cut one or 2 of the exercises out on a Saturday and do a spin class instead.
  23. I don't get all the Kane hate on here. He's apparently been offered another title run plenty of times down the years but hasn't taken them up on it as he'd rather help push younger talent. There have also been rumours that he's considered retiring since way back when they took the mask off him. He's been a good, consistent upper midcarder for the WWE and should have been given a far longer title reign when he first won it, a combination of dropping the title after 24 hours (Stone cold was so red-hot at the time, I think Vince feared a backlash from fans for taking the belt off him) and making him Taker's bitch on a regular basis hurt the character irreparably, especially after how terrifying they made him look in his first 6 months.
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