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Everything posted by djchapsticks

  1. The first minute or so when it seems like he's actually rapping is tremendous. FAAAAT ASSES. :lol:
  2. Burchill's C4 is still one of my favourite finishers ever.
  3. Hassan is one of my favourite heels of the last 10 years. He'd have been an amazing champion and probably still by far and away the top heel in the WWE today if they'd kept him around.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT32JLIQq_M
  5. Mass Effect 2......done. 1080G. Next up. Assassin's Creed 2, I think.
  6. Folk forget as well, amidst all the Foley madness, that Taker tore his ankle apart climbing down into the ring after the botched spot. Foley didn't know where he was and UT was almost literally on one leg. And they still had a classic.
  7. What the fucking fuck? What's going on here?
  8. Well in John Simpson last night, Greenock dodger of soap!

  9. The new Lauren is an absolute rat and played in a completely different way to the other lassie who played her. The other girl gave the character an air of vulnerability as she had a quite sad looking face and large eyes. It's being played by the new lassie like shes a completely different person, as well as being more harsh looking, she's played as a deceitful cow. The same can be said for Ben's transformation, but at least there is a reason for his change of character. Plus that other wee laddie would have never EVER been the correct choice to play the distant psycho with his short arse and squeaky wee voice. New Ben reminds me a bit of that crazy son of Ian Beale who shot Jane.
  10. Got kicked out of work at 3 today, they really should have let us go earlier to be honest, but I didn't have the car as my girlfriend dropped me in and then got stranded in Paisley. Lassie from work dropped me off at the St. James' interchange on the outskirts of Paisley and I walked up to Foxbar from there, about 4 miles or so going the route I did to try and shift the car (to no avail). Looks like I'll be struggling to get into my workplace tomorrow as the car is stranded just nicely. I'll give it a go though as I have my last 3 days holiday booked and I don't want to change them against my will. I fucking hate the snow, makes the mornings that bit harder to face.
  11. Snow is almost sideways here due to wind. hoping it passes over sharpish though.
  12. A bit? It's lying about an inch thick already up the top of the chain road. I hate snow when you live up a steep hill and only have a 1.3 litre engine on the motor.
  13. Austin's dislike stems right back to his ECW promos where he was shooting on Hogan on a regular basis for shooting him down in flames every time he tried to come up with an angle for his character at the time in WCW. He seemed to have sort of made his peace with Bischoff over time, but not Hogan. Whether that's because in Hogan's case, it was talent holding back talent, I don't know.
  14. Funny that they announce they are bringing this back right after the most successful talent ever to come out of the competition wins the WWE title.
  15. Best never to have been given the strap is Mr. Perfect in my opinion. The WWE Championship hasn't really had any proper stinkers (at the time I though JBL was, but they put him on a brilliant run with it and he did surprisingly well) except Vince, and even then it was a vehicle to further his feud with HHH as he relinquished it. The WHC though, well in WWE times alone, Khali and Mysterio have to both have shouts of that. ETA: Backlund's 2nd stint with the belt. I forgot about that. That was really bad (and mercifully only 3 days).
  16. Jackass 3D. Good, old fashioned dirty stunt comedy. I feel cheapened at watching it, but by Christ did I laugh. 8.5/10
  17. I'd say there's a decent chance, but they may go with this PG thing for a while yet. Vince had to be seen to be clearing the image of the company up as it would have been jumped upon by her competitors.
  18. What a tadger. Big tough Wrestler getting his mammy to phone the polis.
  19. I thought that he refused to sell a defeat to the leg drop, so it was decided Papa Shango was supposed to interfere and break the count leading directly to the DQ and beatdown. When it was obvious that he'd made an arse of though and he wasn't going to make it to the ring in time, Sid just kicked out anyway. At least that's what I thought. Anyway I'm sure the whole scenario was the reason Sid left first time around.
  20. Just finished watching that and the tears are fucking blinding me. That commentator came away with some of the funniest lines I've ever heard in a Wrestling match. 'The Clothesline from Hull.'
  21. That match looks like it was taped in someone's living room. You're right though, the commentator is one sarky bassa! 'Cage Tyler is wearing that armband in memory of his recently passed Guinea Pig.....either that or....no he's tied a knot in it so he's obviously reminding himself of something....cos it's like when yo-JEEEEESUS H CHRIST! A CHOP....TO THE CHEST!!' I nearly pished a bit.
  22. See a Red Fiesta leaving the Industrial Estate where I work with T4 CUM. Strangely enough it's a young guy of 20ish driving it and he certainly looks like the neddy typem and not in anyway light on his feet. He must take pelters for it.
  23. He's also probably one of the most intelligent and articulate men to set foot in a ring, which is incredible considering he should probably be in a vegetative state by now. I'm glad he ducked out when he did from his first WWE run. The fans still loved him but he simply couldn't take anymore, JR's old addage of career-shortening matches was very true in Foley's case. Scott Steiner - I don't know what it is about the guy, I just loved him as a character. I think part of it's to do in hindsight with the YouTube videos ripping the absolute piss out of his promo skills and the fact that most of the time he's rambling and incoherent or shouting 'GET MAH BAAAAGS', but it's given me so many laughs. His steriod use though was one of the most blatant cases of abuse that I can think of in wrestling though. In a few months he went from the big muscly guy he always was, to an absolute fucking monster of a man. Curt Hennig.
  24. In ring and on TV....Probably the greatest heel character of all time IMO. No-one has drawn so much heat for such a period of time as Vince and as the owner of the WWF, to propel himself right into the spot he did in 98 rather than bring in an outside talent to play the 'evil boss' character was a massive risk as it could have easily all gone wrong. Out of the ring. Say what you want good or bad about the guy but the fact is that for better or worse, he's revolutionised the world of Wrestling. Rick Rude.
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