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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. Funny what you remember. At the cup semi in 1976 v Hearts something like 15 buses went from Dumbarton and three from Helensburgh (organised by then Bogheid announcer Willie Muir) for both games. A guy who I knew, got on one of the Sons buses at Colquhoun Square Helensburgh wearing a Hearts scarf. He was informed in no uncertain terms that whilst he was permitted to travel on the bus that it would be on the condition he removed the scarf. For the avoidance of doubt he was informed that refusal to comply with the request to remove said garment would in all probability result in its removal by other passengers and that it would be rolled up and stored in a tender part of his anatomy for safe keeping. He took the scarf off.
  2. I doubt very much if any Rangers fans will attempt to book on our bus(es). It's not rocket science to get to Ibrox by Rangers bus or train/subway from Dumbarton. Let's hope it's a 'pointless' exercise for them.
  3. People go away on holiday, play bools go fishing, play golf, do the garden etc. etc. in the summer. Too many competing attractions. Any nice Saturday in the summer I'm oot on Loch Lomond in my wee boat. I wouldn't give that up for the fitba' but I might take the radio with me.
  4. Recreation Park is on a main thoroughfare with plenty of parking.
  5. I understand there were concerns about Peterhead and East Fife's arrangements from supporters and that several inspections were passed by skins of teeth. There were many complaints from fans about the safety, particularly at Peterhead. However that is not the main concern, it is the planning which would have to be passed before any other consideration. In these days of health and safety being a major concern it did strike me as odd that some grounds have perfectly good areas of terracing closed for minor safety concerns and East Fife and Peterhead were allowed to have thousands of fans stood on scaffolding. As for the comparative of costs with other clubs, East Fife had a level open area to construct scaffolding, Ditto Peterhead. Dumbarton would have to undertake considerable ground work and movement of fences.....if it looked likely that planning would be granted...... The cost I've heard for a roll on roll off seating config is £14 per seat. My estimate of £20 included the inevitable extras that come with that. Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see if DFC can get something arranged.
  6. I think the point is that even if the planning and legal difficulties were overcome that the cost of supplying extra seating could actually be more than £20 per head. The ready made roll off model used by Stenny (even if legal and planning could be negotiated) apparently costs £14 per seat before considering the other costs involved. In the case of East Fife and Peterhead I am told that their scaffolding type configuration would run the risk of being rejected on health and safety grounds (quite apart from planning) even if the perimeter fence could be moved. I'd love there to be a way that DFC could capitalise on the increased demand but it does seem like a challenge.
  7. Alan Findlay's statement the other day on the DFC website included the following: “Of course a small club and community like Dumbarton also has to operate within significant planning, logistical and financial constraints. “Indications at this stage are that, with the best will in the world, it will be extremely difficult to make temporary stands for six games workable, legal and financially viable. “But supporters can be assured that all possible avenues are being explored with the local council and with experienced contractors. “As soon as a more definite statement can be made, the Club will do so.” Knowing Alan, I'm sure he'll have checked his facts before posting that. Seems pretty clear and definitive. The problems in extending capacity are of a planning, logistical and financial nature. Those are what I understood to be the issues when I posted on the subject last month and it looks as if that is indeed the case.
  8. Why would the club not put extra seating/terracing in place if they could do it legally and cost effectively? Why would they put up a 'smoke screen' of deceit to make it appear that they couldn't when they could? I just can't see any motive for them to lie about the issue.
  9. Links Park has a network of roads on all sides: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@56.714395,-2.461814,17z?hl=en https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Montrose+Football+Club/@56.7142191,-2.4588221,302m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x54ffcdfb35f7dc38?hl=en
  10. Whilst I'd be the last to defend the cooncil particularly on planning matters, having been involved taking the b*****ds to a judicial review, whatever they decide must be backed up by Scottish Government planning laws and guidance. Matters such as parking for events is pretty much a numbers game. The problem is that the stadium is down a cul de sac which would be taken into consideration. The point has been made that Scotstoun doesn't have a great roads network around it but compared to us it has exits both ways which connect with main roads within a few hundred yards. I'd be surprised if a different authority would give different answers given similar circumstances. As for the neighbours, the houses were part of the local plan when the club moved to the Rock. Anyhoo as Alan F has posted on Sonsteam, every angle is being explored to investigate the possibilities.
  11. Antonia isn't at work at the moment. Amy standing in.....
  12. Indeed. Kenny was supposed to be his replacement.......
  13. England cricketer Chris Balderstone was one of them. And a 'keeper wearing no 13 on his back. Beat them 3-2 the week before we beat Hearts (wearing an Ajax strip) 1-0 in a league cup section game. On the downside they decided that they liked Kenny Wilson....... http://bigrab.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/helicopters-foxes-terracing-and-the-faces-life-on-mars-or-in-carlisle/
  14. I actually hadn't realised that he had signed so recently for Raith. I don't think I blamed him for Raith's season, I simply pointed out that their goals against column was nearly as bad as ours. I'm reassured by your assessment if the rumour materialises.
  15. I already corrected myself in another post.
  16. [quote name="The Moonster" post="8443708" I find it a bit baffling that you can confidently say that Robinson won't be an improvement. Just an opinion based on having seen him play and comparing.
  17. 26 league matches? There were 39! Each team played 3 times with home advantage being the luck of the draw.
  18. Is the Craig Gordon thing still a possibility?
  19. Sometimes better the shite you know than the shite you don't know......
  20. Fair enough although Robinson spent several years in the wilderness at Ibrox whilst Ewings appeared in a Champions League qualifier. Raith let in 61 goals and finished 7th, Sons finished 5th letting in 64. Robinson ain't any better than either of our keepers last season. So no he wouldn't be an improvement. Not at all.
  21. As I've said before, it may be that ideally a new keeper would be a priority. However is there a better one available at the moment? One of the names I've seen mentioned is Raith's Lee Robinson. I certainly wouldn't see him as an improvement on either Ewings or Grindlay. With Cowden staying up the possibility of Flynn leaving them has diminished. With part time players, geography and jobs are a factor too, as seems to be the case with Linton. I don't know what Grindlay's status is as regards re-signing, but could it be that Murray is having a look around and will revert to him if he can't secure a replacement?
  22. No, terracing but having thought about it I think the ticket was only a quid in 1971-72.
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