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Howlin' Wilf

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Posts posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. 40 minutes ago, lionel wickson said:
    2 hours ago, Howlin said:
    Airdrie have a week off too. I'm not too bothered about the week off.
    Listening to Duffy on the excellent interview conducted by Jack Crawford, I was reminded of Alex Wright. A fitba' man.

    Are Airdrie not playing Bohemians in the cup?

    Ok never realised that.....

  2. 7 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

    From justified concern after the Falkirk game to justified delight following today's victory. Winning breeds confidence and 3 wins on the bounce has gone a long way to give fans some confidence in this team. Duffy deserved criticism for the shambles that was the League Cup. He deserves praise for guiding the team to 3 league wins in a row. The Tunnocks cup loss to St Mirren Colts may well have been the catalyst for change, much as Aitken went on to get a bounce following the Bonnyrigg match.

    Next weekend's break is coming at the wrong time for us. I'd rather we'd been taking on Airdrie to see if we can keep the momentum going and make it 4 from 4.

    Airdrie have a week off too. I'm not too bothered about the week off.

    Listening to Duffy on the excellent interview conducted by Jack Crawford, I was reminded of Alex Wright. A fitba' man.

  3. Proof that football is not a linear track.

    Jim Duffy is a good manager and well done to him for 'managing' to turn things around. Delighted for Layne too. I appreciate that he has that skeleton in his cupboard but if he's turning both his career and his life around then good luck to him.

    Joint top of the league - who'd a thunk it after 20 mins at Peterheid?

  4. I believe it's 10% but that's mostly irrelevant. The EGM point i made was purely in response to a question I was asked by a shareholder who wanted suggestions. You don't need to force an EGM to make a difference and stop the board running a club into the ground. It can be done in many ways.

    It’s 25+1 where a 75% majority shareholder is involved. In the case of DFC I’d think that the remaining shares are dribs and drabs other than those held by the Trust. If there were to be any significant input I think it would have to be Trust led. Still wouldn’t be 25+1 even if you managed to corral them all.
  5. 41 minutes ago, Tartantony said:
    1 hour ago, Nowhereman said:
    Yip I can back that up. I've been a shareholder in DFC for about 35 years. Used to receive a set of accounts every year and went along to the AGM . Can't remember the last time I received accounts or notification of an AGM. As a fan Tony thinks this is my fault. I'd be interested in having his suggestions as to what I should be doing about it. 

    You could get a hold of the accounts yourself and read through them. You could then as a shareholder share your worries with other shareholders and force an EGM to raise your concerns. Non shareholder fans can also get the accounts and then put pressure on the clubs collectively to run in a sustainable manner.

    The first thing that anyone looks at in a set of accounts is the profit and loss statement where the sales and cost of sales is listed. Dumbarton FC Ltd. has not issued a profit and loss statement in at least ten years, maybe more. The accounts are pretty opaque to the average shareholder.  There hasn't been an AGM in at least ten years either.

  6. Early season result: Wilf 1 Kids 0

    Fans not happy. Result is being reviewed by VAR as we speak.


    I take it you are turning down the opportunity to discuss your litany of calumnies and half truths face to face, so that you can continue in the same vein? Face to face chat invite , with zero real or implied threat, is still open. Correspondence here is closed.

  7. Common  courtesy works both ways [mention=70369]Howlin Wilf[/mention] they've ditched the drum for the sole reason that you can come back and watch the team.
    so next time you see the young team you should give them a wee tip of the hat.


    The reason that I have never complained to the club about the drum is that it would be seen as exactly as you portray here I.e. that it was down to me that it was stopped. I understand that there hasn’t been a drum at the majority of home games this season and I was told at Peterhead that the young team no longer brought a drum to games. That was why I attended yesterday. If comments overheard at the bar don’t tally with the truth then I can do nothing about that.
    Please, can this be the end of it?
  8. We had a terrible start to the season and it was looking bleak. Then the last two games we seem to have turned a corner, came from behind, got the point and are starting to play some good football. 
    Come on P&B to see what people are saying and we’re back to the Drum chat. Give us peace, move on and enjoy that we won and put in a decent performance.

    Yeah sincere apologies. The only reason I replied was because the situation was misrepresented. No more from me unless massacre man posts another lot of half truths and assumptions.

    It was a very good performance. We looked organised, particularly going forward. Let’s get back to the football [emoji460]️
  9. Ok, I should wind my neck in but that drum would still be getting hit if it wasn't for your posts on here. You must realise that, whatever your intentions were initially. If you remember rightly, I supported your stance of not going to the matches due to your health issues. However, I was angered today in the bar after the match when I was told that the drum was "decomissioned" due to you. I even double checked with the person who said it that it was indeed you. You may be of the opinion that you didn't pressurise anyone to remove the drum but I think that you're being cute here and the pressure came from your posts on this matter. I don't recall you suggesting anything to the effect of: it's great to see the youngsters having fun at the match, but it's not for me. Your posts came across as someone who was annoyed at the drum and hoped it would disappear. Correct me on this if wrong, but you have now secured a prominent position at the club at the same time as the drum has disappeared and various people in the bar now seem to be backing up your view on the drum. Mere coincidence? I sincerely hope your "face-to-face" suggestion is not the aggressive call for a confrontation it seems to be. I'm happy to meet you in the bar at the next home game for a chat on this matter. Sorry for the"git" comment. I didn't realise that was you ( I thought you were much older) and was just angry at what I heard. You could work on the smugness, though.


    Jeez! The pressure came from my posts on the matter? I haven’t posted here much at all this season and my last post on that subject was I think just after I stopped attending in January. Not only am I of the opinion that I didn’t pressurise anyone, I didn’t pressurise anyone.

    I will correct you because you are wrong (again). I hold no position at the club, prominent or otherwise. My position at DCS is by its very nature, independent of the club. Yesterday was the first time I have spoken with or indeed communicated at all with an official of DFC since January.

    I was told last week that the boys had stopped bringing the drum to matches, that it had hardly featured at all this season and had not been at the Raith match. Perhaps your most ridiculous assertion is that I have somehow influenced people in the bar to be fed up with something. Oh and an invite to discuss things face to face is just a request for exactly that. It is simply a request for a wee bit of common courtesy.

    You have used a series of descriptions and assumptions of me on a public forum, when you admit above that you don’t even know me!


  10. Good stuff today on the pitch but I heard some horror story stuff off it. Coming out of the bogs, I heard one guy saying to a grey haired guy that it was good to see him back. The smug faced grey haired git replied with: " when I heard the drum had been decommissioned I came along". That angered me significantly. Then in the bar afterwards I overheard comments saying that the young ultras have to change their name as someone who's thinking of sponsoring them (I think) doesn't like the connotations of the word "ultras". He/she clearly doesn't know what it means. Then I was told the young ultras gave up their drum due to Howlin bloody Wilf (remember, he plays in a band with a drummer and guitar amplification) alleging that the rather quiet drum distresses him ( oh diddums, how could they??). Then the utterly spurious excuse of Wilf being a long term supporter who has donated to the club financially; so the entire bloody support has to behave in a way that satisfies one bloke. One bloody bloke!! This club is going down the route of turning into a little Hitler run golf club. These kids and the rest of the support pay their money that keeps us going and as long as we are not engaging in offensive or anti-social behaviour then that should be fine for all of us. Those kids and their drum went viral with many posters around the country rightly praising them for their passion and noise-making. How utterly embarrassing that supposed super fan Wilf has destroyed one of the few things we can be proud of. Wilf and his apologists should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

    I wasn’t going to reply to this but what the heck? Wind your neck in. I was quite happy in my exile from games which has been since January. I haven’t been at a game since and neither have I made one single complaint to the club or expressed any wish to return.i attempted to debate it here and that’s all. Last week I went to Peterhead because I have a friend who lives near there and enjoyed the game with him. Someone at the game remarked to me that the drum was no longer present at games. On that basis I went along today and was pleased to find out that this was indeed the case. Pressure exerted by me was 0. I understand however that several supporters had made complaints as well as several householders. I was that grey haired guy and I’ll be pleased to discuss the matter face to face with you rather than you sneaking away name calling and constructing a fiction on here.

    I’ll be happy to explain to you the other issues you raise here too.


    PS Check your facts next time.

  11. 2 hours ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    Had the pleasure of spending an hour with Andy Graham today, and what a top guy he is too. Can't speak highly enough of him and how much I wish he still played for us.

    Anyway, popped him the famed "Was Jack Ross really the brains behind Ian Murray" question to get an answer once and for all, and he was pretty clear in his answer. Give it a listen here...


    Thanks for sharing that. Not all that surprised to hear Andy Graham's answers. Murray and Ross were a good team.

  12. We had a dual purpose trip visiting friends in Aberdeen and arranged it a couple of weeks ago. At 2-0 I was thinking that my pre- match dread of how it might turn out was playing out before my eyes. The first Sons goal showed that they hadn’t given up with Langan finishing off good work from Crossan.


    Much was made (by the fans) of the fact that the players didn’t really celebrate the goal. However, it put us on the ascendancy from the start of the 2nd half and we were the better side for that 45 mins. Layne looked better with better service and Crossan looked to be Sons MOM, quite apart from his superb equaliser. Brennan wasn’t great and not blameless for the Peterhead goals. However he kept us in the game after that on a couple of occasions. Hutton looked to be carrying a knock but was ok. I really want Lewis Crawford to do well but felt that he struggled a wee bit. Quitongo looked like James Tavernier (am I taking this too far?) as he surged forward with a couple of runs, both of which he ran out for goal kicks. If he could just have checked and crossed, they might have delivered something.


    I know it is only one game but on the evidence of yesterday’s second half, comparisons with the Jim Fallon and Gerry McCabe eras are off beam. I say this with the caveat that I appreciate I have missed some miserable performances.


    They may not have celebrated the first goal but the players left us in no doubt about their passion at the two other goals and at full time when they applauded the fans.


    It’s a start.






  13. 47 minutes ago, cremola foam said:

    My worry is that Duffy cannot lose. He says he accepts full responsibility but can we really sack him? It is his squad, season is underway and who one earth would take on this lot for the kind of money we can offer. Conversely if he gets a better offer he will surely walk.

    His casual approach to pre season signings suggests to me his heart is just not in it. We are in a serious bind.

    No matter what was said at a meeting about budgets, there is no evidence that such a budget was forthcoming. The evidence in fact is to the contrary unless we think that Duffy had a budget at his disposal that he didn't use.

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