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Glenmavis Diamond

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Posts posted by Glenmavis Diamond

  1. 6 hours ago, Rossm25 said:

    But by the same token there's folk on here desperate for Rico to be at fault. 

    What I don't understand is , if he misheard , there's still an avenue for a good resolution,  while supporting Rico.

    There's folk here desperate for it to Rico making it up , but why would he ? And if he wanted to make it up why target his own fans paying his wages ? 


    The statement from the club is awful,  and doesn't help anything! And we've now probably lost another player in a season where we need bodies to keep up this momentum and had the club in the papers for the wrong reason. Whole thing just hasn't been dealt in a good way , either by the club , us as fans and you could argue Rico as well if he's went to the press before the club (I'm not sure what order it came but I don't think we knee about it till the BBC put a story up) the whole things just been a bit embarrassing for so many reasons 

    There is very little facts been shared, meaning people are making assumptions and drawing their own conclusions. 

    All that's been said was there was a witness. Has it ever been said that witness was Rico himself? Did he actually hear anything  himself? Or did someone else report it as has been suggested elsewhere? We don't know as it's never been clarified who actually heard or what was allegedly said. 

    There was circa 200 fans there. And only 1 person heard anything? Nobody else has come forward to inform the club they witnessed anything? No descriptions of suspects have been shared. Why not? Do we not have any? 

    If there's nothing more than that, what else can the club actually do? 

    Ultimately if there has been racist remarks shouted, then it's a criminal offence and the police should be investigating. Maybe they are. We don't know. 

    One thing that is known, the club have released a statement, maybe not the best statement in the world but they said they have not found enough evidence to take matters further themselves. They've no reason to lie or anything to gain from lying. However when agents take to twitter to attack the club, that only makes matters worse and it causes things to spiral. 

  2. 3 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    In Austin’s case justice was done I believe? A section of fans were banned and the young lad that did it was found. I’ve no idea what you’ve been reading into the Fuchs case as theres still a whole load of people calling the investigation a shambles and that he was indeed racially abused.

    The issue here is that this case is simply being brushed off by the club and then suspending a player is totally the wrong message to give off.

    Well done for proving yourself to be the gullible sort who believes everything they read on social media without actually knowing the facts. You've taken one tweet and drawn conclusions which you don't know to be factually accurate. What actual hard facts do you know about what happened, what investigation has taken place, what witnesses there are etc? I'm guessing you know fu(k all but don't let that stop your weak attempt at gas lighting. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Shadwell Dog said:

    Certainly not condoning any abuse as it's not her fault but why the feck were we sending our physio on to tend to some Airdrie player who deliberately crawled back on to the bloody pitch to time waste.   Refs need to get a feckin grip on cramp too. Get them off the bloody park and play on.

    It's called professional courtesy you clown. Two players go down for the same team, you'll often see both physios helping out. 

    As for your cramp comments, like it'd have made any difference. I'd have thought you'd have been pleased with a pause in the slaughter that went on today. 

    You've bigger fish to fry than physios helping other teams and refs not getting a' fecking grip'. 


  4. These games have been quite entertaining and tight in recent years. I expect this one to be no different. Falkirk are clearly going through a bit of a turbulent time, but are always going to be a threat and have the ability to win games. Airdrie have the best footballing team they've had for years, yet I'm still not convinced that we have stopped shooting ourselves in the foot. I genuinely believe we will hammer a team soon. Id love it to be Falkirk tomorrow but can't see it. We need to start turning our good football into more chances and more goals. It's that simple. And it needs to be consistent too. Hoping we are near full strength tomorrow, which gives Murray the good headache of who to start, but we should see our strongest bench in a while now that he worst of Covid and injuries seem to be behind us. 

    I'm going for a 2-2 draw. 

  5. The challenge is not only having 11 players to play, but how fit are those players coming back from being out due to COVID? Are they suffering any effects like fatigue etc which can last for weeks? Have they even trained? They certainly won't have been involved in any tactical prep for the next game. This could impact the club for weeks. However I reckon it'll happen across most clubs this season so in a way, is it a good thing to get it out the way so early? 

    As for calling off games, I reckon that'd only happen if we physically cannot field 11 players. 

    Yes we could loan players but what club wants to send players to a club who have multiple positive Covid cases? It's a tricky one indeed. 

  6. On 21/08/2021 at 09:46, Passionate said:

    Guess the team tine......



    McGill.           McCabe.         Fordyce..        MacDonald




    Frizzell.            Easton


    G McGill.           Gallagher.             Smith



    subs....Cantley,     Ritchie,,,,       that's it.....


    Good luck guys,   we must take those chances today



    You nailed that. Inside info or just a good guess? 

  7. 15 hours ago, squeezeboxson said:

    Fairly selective screenshot that. Don't think it is as black and white as that would suggest though...

    Your replay shows your player step across Wardrop. Could even be classed as a foul against him. Either way, there was nowhere near enough contact to merit your player rolling about like he'd been shot. Play acting at its best but that's the modern game these days I suppose. It's sad seeing a team chase a ref to try and get an opposition player sent off, especially for something as innocuous as that. 

    Anyway, what's done is done and no amount of debating will change the result. We only have ourselves to blame for not being able to hang onto a 2 goal lead. And over the course of the season there'll be ones like that which go in Airdrie's favour and I'll probably defend them as staunchly as you are. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    If this all makes you feel better about yesterday's result then you let it out. There's absolutely nothing wrong in 'playing for a foul'. Heck just 10 minutes earlier Gabby McGill "played for a foul" and won a penalty that put you lot two goals up. 

    If I was in your shoes I'd be far more concerned about the way my team caved in from a dominant position after going down to 10 men. But we're all different.

    I'm commenting purely on the incident, not the result. He played for it and got it, even though there was no contact. The rest of your team hounding the ref to book him again was just poor. In saying that, if it goes the other way I'm delighted. That's football. 

    As for McGill, there was contact, so it was a penalty. Simple as. Last man too so keeper could've even been sent off. 

    Result wise, it's poor that would still couldn't hang on to win, but not unsurprising. Yesterday was a huge improvement on the week before, up until the sending off. We will need a similar improvement to get a result against Falkirk next week. Can we do it? I'm not convinced yet. 


  9. 1 hour ago, squeezeboxson said:

    Are you serious? 😂 if he was conned for that then he was conned for the penalty (even moreso). I don't think we had to target Wardrop to be honest, it was a clumsy challenge but if we had put Maclean on the opposite side then Quitongo would have done the exact same thing. Our player was smart and got himself between the ball and the challenge.

    The Airdrie team (and bench) seemed to be pretty angry all day yesterday and they lost their heads. That is what cost you guys the victory in my opinion.

    So 'clumsy' that he never even touched him. Ref was conned. I'd go even further asto say that the rest of the Dumbarton players conduct in chasing the ref to get the second yellow was very unsportsman like. 


  10. 21 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Nevermind second yellows, that’s a straight red for that honking patter.

    It's not lies though is it. Your player was embarrassing, rolling about like he'd been shot when he hadn't even been touched. He played for the foul and then your whole team hounded the ref chasing a sending off. 

    Now that's honking. 

  11. 9 hours ago, FifeSons said:

    Exactly. It was the most obvious second yellow you'll see all day long. I really don't understand anyone saying Wardrop was unlucky.

    Murray's a legend, but he was being a total fanny yesterday.

    So obvious that it wasn't even a foul. Never went through the back of him. As the photo shows, he went past him and your player did a Neymar. He had more rolls than a burger van. 


  12. 22 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I don’t think Airdrie’s poor result on Saturday will do us any favours here unfortunately, they will be fired up and looking to make up for it. I’d be tempted to stick with the same lineup, although I do still have some concerns over the fullbacks. Both were good on Saturday but I could see someone like Dylan Easton causing young Muir problems if he’s deployed wide right. 

    That being said we should fear no one this season, particularly at home. We showed on Saturday we are capable of scoring goals and we are solid at the back. It’s night and day from last season where I wasn’t particlarly confident going into any match at all. I even had the fear when yon Highland League team came to the Rock in the cup! 

    I agree, I think you may see a very different Airdrie and much improved performance on Saturday. 

    This is where they stand up and be counted and react to that horror show v Montrose. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Chapelhall chap said:

    Having made a mess of their original ST "offer" and although I got back the extra initially paid, it strikes me that it's a noticeable increase for the casual customer/someone taking a chance to visit and regular fans who don't want to commit to a ST.  If I attended all 18 games I do "save" around £40.00 but not everyone can pay upfront .  The child price is good so maybe they have increased the other prices since as someone else posted " a seat is a seat". It all depends on the results we can achieve -the more you win the more people think "I'll go"-- losses will do the opposite. I have yet to see the prices at other grounds but I suspect they might be similar.  Prices in general have risen-my favourite Curry takeaways have done that , but they always please me!  

    Saving £40 over a year is a piss poor saving. £3.33 per month, not even the price of a decent pint. 

    Guaranteed we won't see many of the decent home crowd from the Motherwell game attend on Saturday. 

    How it pans out over the season will. Very much depend on how the team perform. 

  14. 1 hour ago, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:

    just as long as they send some of that money up here, they can fire on and take wee Tam.

    We won't get much, if anything, for Robert. I am pretty sure there's some sort of strange goings on in that respect, where the agent and others may get the lions share of any fee. Thus why he's being pimped out and constant rumours about clubs wanting to sign him. Most of which turn out to be garbage. 

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