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  1. Highlights are brilliant. For what it's worth, they clearly show that Walker's dived. As much as its the modern game now, to basically initiate contact to win the pen, from his second step he's obviously going down. No VAR to play by the 'rules', and the ref has absolutely made the right call. Disagree on the second incident, that's clearly looking for the foul. Walker isn't that slight to be launched into mid-air between two players, then bounce down looking at the ref! On the other hand, I'm looking forward to watching him progress over the next few months. Could be one hell of a player in there! Gav didn't stop, neither did Connely to be fair. Good to see form in both of them. Logan was also outstanding on the right with McKechnie. I thought Wullie, unfortunately,was kind of guilty for all of our goals at the game. Watching the highlights doesn't change my mind. Never in a million years a CB, as well as he reads the game.! Didn't clear the 1st of the line. 2nd Gav totally outmuscles him. On the 3rd, he seemed to stand off McKechnie once he had pushed it down the wing. I know Keiron is quick, but I still think Wullie could have gotten across to clear or at least lose the foul... Still, a Legend for us!
  2. Looks like contact in the match photos...
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