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Monkey socks

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Everything posted by Monkey socks

  1. With these signings looks like Hopkin sees his future as well with Livi, for next season at least. Was apprehensive that the current squad would be broken up but these are two key players for us. Hopkin has proved he has an eye for talent and I think there are a few more signings in the pipeline.
  2. Well he's signed now. Good luck to the lad. Our management team must be doing something right to attract him to Livi if there was interest elsewhere.
  3. Good news then if it comes off . Is there not some rule about the number of teams you can play for in a year? The fact that he returned to his parent club, Hearts, after Cowdenbeath and ourselves not restrict a return to us.Not sure, just asking.
  4. Best of luck to Buchannan at Raith, but that is some dodgy polo neck he is wearing in the official site photos. Oh wait a minute, he is old enough to remember wearing them when they were in fashion first time round. Joking apart, Raith have got themselves a cracking player.
  5. Chances of a stadium renaming to "The Etihad Arena " for next season as new investors queue up to throw their millions at the Amber machine?
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