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Cardinal Richelieu

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Posts posted by Cardinal Richelieu

  1. The following sums up every "copy and paste this as your status" post:

    Please copy & paste this to your status in support of [insert cause here] because, with the singular exception of doing absolutely nothing, it's literally the very least you could do, and we must all at least outwardly appear to care about [insert cause here] lest we be publicly shamed by everyone else on Facebook who's also not actually doing anything to help with [insert cause here], aside from this pointless, self-serving, completely empty gesture

    Top drawer banter.

    I wish I could muster the courage to post this, but sadly there's the 1 in a 100 chance that that bird I've always fancied that was defo going to give me my hole would take offence and be non-forthcoming with said hole.


  2. My link

    Guy in bottom right is Vincent Tabak the guy who was convicted of killing Joanna Yeates.

    Cheers. It's a good job that the same baying mob didn't get their hands on Yeates' landlord, Chris Jefferies, before he was fully exonerated and received damages and compensation from the press who feel they have a right to print whatever they damn please.

  3. Just caught Van Damme doing a "Coast to Coast" with a steel chair onto Jerry Lynn's face behind a metal ladder. Looked pretty brutal (despite the lack of replay)...

    It's an odd world where showing that on telly is acceptable, but they feel the need to bleep out the SHIT, in HOLY SHIT.

  4. sick of miserable, whining people. We all have problems, deal with them. put a face on and deal with them at home

    Can someone suggest a sarcastic reply to this? Despite the fact that she is quite sound, I can't let the irony slide by the lassie who posted this on FB.

  5. It'd certainly take a while with so many folk to get served a pint if the turn out is decent, would all the pubs accommodate such a following?

    I can't see any pubs turning away too many punters, even if 30 of us turn out - which is optimistic. My experience of online meetups is that a lot of people pull out for various reasons. You're right about the fact that it might take a while to be served. Maybe we should just buy a 3 litre bottle of Frosty Jacks for each stop and drink it out of plastic cups.

    So are you coming out dressed as Lex Veldhuis?

  6. Cardinals don't do T-shirts. But the ceremonial robes have been ordered. I'm sure they'll go down a treat in the Louden. And while I'm in there, I might take them to task about how all 3 Louden Taverns can claim to be "The Best Pub in the World".

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