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Dudu Dahan pal

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Everything posted by Dudu Dahan pal

  1. i like how we are back to scoring lots of goals again now its pre-season again but once the season starts it'll be back to scraping 1-0's
  2. played well apparently. had a raker of a freekick in the first half come off the bar
  3. aye, think i got into an argument with some boy on it about 4 years ago about why Eoin Doyle was a shite finisher and one of the mods deleted my posts and ive not posted since then. absolute roasters
  4. do you post on .Net? ive got an account but have hardly ever used it. think ive got like 140 posts in 7 years
  5. Marciano's missus no happy with Pars TV. Apparently a decent finish from Swanson. Brian Graham ( ) with Ollie Shaw up top.
  6. gillies having a heads gone on that fans news page on twitter.
  7. i may be wrong but i think i just read a comment on that thread where someone said we should be blaming petrie and not Gillies
  8. Hi Andy pal can you confirm if you're leaving fans news pal. COME ON THE HIBEES NLGAWA GGTTH
  9. i really really hope he has read one of my posts about him and thats whats tipped him over the edge. the satisfaction i'd get from that would make me so so happy.
  10. you dont represent dumbarton fans or their views you imposter.
  11. 5-3-2 Oxley- for being a slow, useless, flappy fucking f**k Maybury- a snide faced c**t. one of the ones who chucked it and caused us to go down Nelson- Worst centre half ive ever seen kick a football. not even at hibs, just in general. Stephens- Big donkey O'Hanlon- see above. goal against aberdeen was decent though Kujabi- Mind he went down with cramp 20 minutes into that 4-0 dunfermline game a week before the cup final. apart from one run and cross he done nothing but bad O'Brien- was meant to be faster than sproule on a motorbike, shame no one mentioned that it was a motorbike with no wheels. De Graaf- a box to box midfielder who scores goals. missed 3 sitters in the space of 2 months and was never seen again Soares- lazy as f**k, didnt want to be here. Kuqi- Should've been in a wheelchair the time he arrived. put through 1 on 1 against aberdeen and looked like he was about to fall over Collins- an utter disaster. missed 3 sitters against hearts, couldnt score to save himself and was a utter walloper into the bargain Oxley Maybury Stephens Nelson O'hanlon Kujabi O'Brien Soares De Graff Kuqi Collins
  12. thats more to do with how shite we were back then rather than how good you were though. you lot are fucking rancid. the quicker you accept it, start designing your cathro out banners for the planes and move on, the better for us all.
  13. stunning result tonight for the side who are going to beat us 2 times out of 3 next season and finish 2nd.
  14. our humiliation of rangers at ibrox in August isnt even being televised. shame.
  15. anyone going over to Dunfermline tomorrow? was going to go but cant be fucked watching Brian Graham and Simon Murray upfront.
  16. David Stephens, Michael Hart, Edwin De Graaf, Valdas Trkyas, Victor Pallson, Matt Thornhill, Ricardo Vaz Te, Martin Scott, Johnathan Grounds, Daryl Duffy, Jakub Divis, Richie Towell, Adam Mitter, Junior Agogo, Issiah Osbourne, Pa Kujabi, Sean O'Hanlon, Phil Airey, George Francombe, Tom Soares, Roy O'Donovan, Matt Doherty, Tim Clancy, Paul Cairney, Gary Deegan, Alan Maybury, Shefki Kuqi, Tom Taiwo, Matt Done, Ryan McGivern, Liam Craig, Owain Tudor-Jones, Fraser Mullen, Rowan Vine, James Collins, Michael Nelson, Paul Heffernan, Abellah Zoubir, Danny Haynes, Daniel Boateng, Duncan Watmore, Danny Handling, Ross Caldwell. Some of the main contributors to the Hibernian FC banter years 2010-14. Some Highlights: Colin Nish upfront on his own away to Maribor in the Europa League signing Edwin De Graaf and calling him a box to box midfielder who scores goals Ayr Beating us 1-0 in a replay Callum Booth being hailed as a hero because he had a couple of good dribbles Not Scoring a goal in 7 games Appointing Billy Brown as assistant
  17. a bunch of vile disgusting cheating scummy ratbag b*****ds, but enough about Regan and Doncaster.
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