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Dudu Dahan pal

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Everything posted by Dudu Dahan pal

  1. Facebook was down earlier, this is probably the most accurate statement I've seen on facebook for ages
  2. People who put Cryptic status on Facebook, either tell us what you mean or fucking don't put a status up you attention seeking p***ks. Also people on Facebook who communicate through emojis. Absolute cretins
  3. That advert with the guy in denim shorts and Sharon Osborne is horrendous
  4. That baldy guy who covers the conference games on BT gets on my tits and I don't know why
  5. Messi is a class above anyone that's ever played the game. Ronaldo doesn't even come close to him
  6. People who get on a bus and don't have the correct change/their bus pass ready for getting onto the bus. Really gets on my tits
  7. People who comment on statuses from days ago on Facebook. Why don't you f**k Off?
  8. Germany 16-0 Gibraltar.... Scary thing is it could actually happen.
  9. Wolfsburg for £455, they were 2-0 up too
  10. Any chance of you lot taking this utter donkey from us any time soon?
  11. Cowdenbeath the blue brazil will be getting taught a lesson from the Samba boys in green who taught brazil how to play football.
  12. I think our big crowds frightened the poor wee soul, he'll be happy to be playing infront of 3000 fans again next season.
  13. You can have him, waste of a jersey and will be well suited to a club like st.johnstone.
  14. People who constantly put pics up of their baby scans on Facebook every single fucking day. Right! We get the fact that you're pregnant ya rocket.
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