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Dudu Dahan pal

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Everything posted by Dudu Dahan pal

  1. Not this season it won't, considering we've sold around 1500 more season tickets than that. Btw, our average crowds last season was more than 8000. Minter for you.
  2. Someone start the month and a half long march thread. Quick
  3. Get the guard of honour formed cuntos. The Scottish cup winners are coming
  4. Tbf you do come across as an arsehole on here. I'm sure you're a nice guy in real life but on here your an absolute gobshite.
  5. Please explain how *** is sectarian. you **** always look to be offended.
  6. The Falkirk hole ain't got no soul, it's made up of plastic stands. You find it out on the edge of town, down by the chemical stacks wearing a frown. The fans trudge there on match days, bent and grey and old, Brockville no more ....their spiritual history bargained then sold. They've never left a game listening to Jimmy Shand and they've only got a pishy 3 stands. They do however love when the big teams bring their stars, and a prime example is the mighty Pars. The games are one sided and the Falkirk are dire but look at the Pars and you all can aspire.
  7. He'll come in and unsettle everything. He does it everywhere he goes.
  8. Your club is a fucking disgrace. Learn your fucking lesson c***s
  9. Id be delighted if he's on 6k a week. Shows they've learned absolutely no lessons whatsoever and it won't be long till they're back in the shit once budge goes.
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