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Dudu Dahan pal

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Everything posted by Dudu Dahan pal

  1. It was fairly incredible news. If you're going to do it then do it correctly or f**k off from your own thread.
  2. It's not really a silly thing to post when some of your fellow Falkirk posters have previous for it.
  3. For god sake guys. Stop annoying the Falkirk fans.
  4. Tbf we will finish at least 15-20 points ahead of you next season.
  5. This time last week there were some extraordinary exuberant scenes at Leith Links
  6. Tbf I never brought it up. I asked who Gordon Waddell is and why he has a problem with Hibs.
  7. No one said that We will get a heavy fine for the damage to the pitch and stuff but we shouldn't be "chucked oot eh the cup and Europe" people who think that have absolutely no idea about football.
  8. There's nowhere near 7000 fans on the pitch there.
  9. Surely if there were 7000 fans on the pitch there would be big gaps in the stands?
  10. Stopped reading here. There were nowhere near that many on the park. I was there and am in more of a position to judge that than you. There were a couple of thousand at the most. Nowhere near 6-7k
  11. Hundreds of footballers should be jailed every season then when they push a opposition player.
  12. I've yet to see any proof of these "attacks" Probably because there was no attacks. Two Rangers players were pushed. Continue to make excuses for Rangers fans attacking Hibs fans though. Breaking the bar and ripping up the turf Yes that's definitely a reason to chuck a club out of Europe and the cup next season.
  13. It was a minority who went over to the Rangers supporters and goaded them. I assume people aren't trying to claim that the Hibs fans who were celebrating in their own half are to blame for Rangers fans not being able to control themselves?
  14. You're trying to suggest there were around 10'000 Hibs fans on the pitch. There wasn't. There was a couple thousand at most. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder with regards to Hibs. But what more to be expected from a diddy who will never experience what we did on Saturday. There's nothing wrong with the majority of Hibs fans who were On the park celebrating. They caused no harm apart from the minority who went over to the Rangers fans. To suggest we get thrown out a cup because of the actions of a few is embarrassing from you tbh but no less than can be expected. If a pitch invasion was a main story for 8 days then that would just prove how gutter the press are here.
  15. Pitch invasions happen all the time. I don't see people rushing to want those clubs chucked out of competitions. And if you really think that a pitch invasion and a few scuffles is the biggest story in Scottish football in the last four years then you've obviously not been watching very closely. There were 21'000 Hibs fans. Are you telling me there were more than 10500 Hibs fans on the pitch?
  16. It was a small minority of Hibs fans that went over. The MAJORITY of Hibs fans stayed in the stands whilst a few CELEBRATED in the HIBS half of the pitch (see how I'm writing in capitals so you can understand?) so why should Hibs as a club be punished and the majority of our fans be punished by not getting European football or to play In the cup next season? You, just like that cretin, seem to have a chip on your shoulder. The fact remains that if Rangers fans hadn't entered the field then their wouldn't have been 8 days of agenda driven shite being written about it like that p***k Waddell has. Do you think that English clubs like Millwall shouldn't be allowed to enter the championship next season if they go up because they invaded the pitch? Utter nonsense.
  17. It doesn't matter if they were "provoked" they still shouldn't have went onto the pitch. I don't see him writing articles when away fans are spat on/ punched/ have drinks thrown at them/ verbally abused at Ibrox which happens EVERY single time.so why is he writing about this?
  18. Around 30-40 Hibs fans went over and GOADED the Rangers fans, no punches were thrown at any Rangers fans, then they came on and started throwing punches. About 200 Rangers fans came on to the Hibs 40 odd. Then they started singing their sectarian shite and you would visibly see hundreds more Hibs fans moving over to the Rangers side. That's the facts. If Rangers fans had remained in the stands the Hibs fans would've been back in the stands long before they were. If Rangers fans had remained in the stands then no fights would've occurred between the Hibs and Rangers fans. 2 Rangers players were pushed in Lee Wallace and Wes Foderingham. 2 people done this too them. 2 people out of around 21000. The lie that Rangers fans came on to "protect their players" is embarrassing. They came on to scrap with Hibs fans. They entered the field of play intent on causing trouble. I don't think the Hibs fans who went over and ended up goading the Rangers fans initial thoughts were to go over and goad them when they first entered th pitch to CELEBRATE. They got caught up in the heat of the moment and got way too over excited. It doesn't excuse what the Rangers fans did however, despite what the media want to portray.
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