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Dudu Dahan pal

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Everything posted by Dudu Dahan pal

  1. Guys it's not me who said it was your worst nightmare, it was one of your own in the evening news
  2. All irrelevant now We've completed your worst nightmare and we will "never let use furget lololololol"
  3. Excellent From this day forth I shall call Sevco "stranger danger FC" Thank you to whoever came up with that
  4. Just want to say a massive wholehearted thank you on behalf of all Hibs fans everywhere to Robbie neilson. Your lack of bottle has played a massive part in us creating history and having one of the greatest days of our lives. Thank you Robbie. Thank you
  5. He needs to stop this. Probably the soundest c**t to ever grace leith never mind easter road
  6. We've reached the pinnacle. Nothing else ever matters now.
  7. Sensing a lot of jealousy because we didn't Falkirk it in the Scottish cup final like themselves.
  8. Completely irrelevant to the fact your club lost the Scottish cup final to Hibs. Thank you.
  9. Yes we did. 114 years of utter misery had to come out somehow. The majority celebrated amongst ourselves. It was only a small minority that went over to the Rangers fans which was wrong but not completely Hibs fans fault because they didn't start the fighting.
  10. Yes we did have every right to go on and celebrate. No matter what an irrelevant bitter *** like yourself tries to suggest. Show me the proof that Rangers players were attacked or spat on. Lying about things like that is disgusting but no less than can be expected from someone like yourself. "Our national stadium" Scottish when it suits. I'm surprised you can hear anything over your bigoted fans vile sectarian songs. Which were aired in full for the whole world to hear. I wonder how much you'll be fined for that, your fans attacking Hibs fans and bringing the game into disrepute through your clubs laughable statements.
  11. Again, you don't tell me which part you disagree with and why. The quicker your club apologise to Hibs the Better. Save you from this embarrassing situation.
  12. No Rangers players were "harassed" do you not understand how pathetic you sound? Hibs fans had every right to go on and celebrate. We'd have done the same regardless of the opposition and I guarantee you the oppositions supporters/thugs wouldn't have ran out and started trouble. You see fans going on and celebrating down south all the time. You see a bit of winding up the opposition fans too. But NONE of the other teams fans ever run on and start trouble. Only Rangers fans have done that.
  13. I was clearly meaning if it was Hibs vs Celtic in the final and we had beaten them, but you knew that. If the rangers fans hadn't ran on the pitch then fights wouldn't have happened. It's as simple as that therefore it was YOUR clubs supporters fault.
  14. And rightly so. Rangers fans are a stain on Scottish society. They should be treated as such.
  15. And I doubt the Celtic fans would've reacted the way the **** did They are the only set of supporters in Scotland who are vile bigoted thugs. They caused that on Saturday.
  16. The only fact we know for sure is that rangers have lied in their statement and it's been proven. There fans DID NOT show restraint Not every single player was attacked either. They should be punished for trying to bring the game into disrepute with their vile lies.
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