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Dudu Dahan pal

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Everything posted by Dudu Dahan pal

  1. Doesn't count guys because it wasn't in the middle of the Hampden pitch
  2. Bought the cup winning top. Going to buy the DVD when it's out. Going to get my signed programme in a frame with my ticket. Anything that has "Hibs Scottish cup winners" will be bought
  3. Bought myself this when I was steaming the other night Going to look at getting the picture of David gray on his knees framed for the bairns room. So many great pictures so it's hard to pick one.
  4. A scone and tea at half past 3 makes the day a little brighter. So take your cake and fancy tarts, and shove them up yer shiter
  5. Back home in Aberdeen. Probably still out on the rampage up there.
  6. It's got to the stage where I genuinely can't imagine not feeling like this I'm sure in proper Hibs style we will be brought crashing back down to earth at some stage but I'm just enjoying every second of this
  7. I see the tramps on Rangers media want Rangers to declare war with Hibs and the SFA :lol:
  8. I'm glad you now agree that it wasn't Hibs fans fault on Saturday.
  9. It's got f**k all to do with you in fairness. You'll never understand the feeling we have right now unless your a hibby.
  10. Hopefully get a couple hundred at least. Get the place bouncing again
  11. Got genuine goosebumps watching that. What have we just done? Still not sunk in Anyone going to this on Saturday? Could be a few hundred roaming the streets of leith having a party still?
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