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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. scottsdad

    Breaking Bad

    The train episode was excellent, mainly because of the utter shock at the end. But I remember that scene where the Mexican is off to get his axe and Hank is trying to load the gun with the special bullet...man, that was tense.
  2. scottsdad

    Breaking Bad

    The best episode was the one where Hank was attacked by the Mexicans. No doubt.
  3. I used to have a Jack Russell called Penny and she was magic. She had one broken ear when we got her, so had one ear that stuck up and one that flopped down. Fearless, she was. When she died, I said I'd never have another dog again. Can't go through that loss again.
  4. Enjoyed that a lot. I was kinda waiting for her husband to show up and do something in this episode, but no.
  5. I enjoyed it all except the bit with Matt Smith.
  6. Is River's part really ended? Remember, she still needs to see the Doctor at least one more time so he can give her a sonic screwdriver to take to the library... Oh, and Alex Kingston is very, very hot. Wid.
  7. As a lecturer, I'm finding this interesting. Note to self: check all references
  8. scottsdad

    The Sopranos

    Watched it twice - when first on and again in 2011. Next due in 2020 or thereabouts.
  9. I have really grown to like Matt Smith. A really wide range of acting talent in him - he might even be my favourite!
  10. scottsdad

    Breaking Bad

    when my step-daughter left home, I suggested to the wife that we take her picture down and replace with one of Walter White. I swear she thought about it for a full minute before saying no.
  11. I assume we're a few days away from the season 1 finale?
  12. New album - High Hopes - out in January.
  13. Here at HW, no signs of a strike. No pickets or ballots.
  14. scottsdad

    Breaking Bad

    Bloopers and out-takes, too http://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/tvandradioblog/video/2013/nov/28/breaking-bad-gag-reel-bloopers-outtakes
  15. Teaching students - really, I am not the fountain of all knowledge. And yes, I do make stuff up when you ask stupid questions.
  16. I once had one of those calls, but at work. I took a firm line "This is a government building. Give me the name and address of your company and the name of your superior". Every time he spoke, I repeated my line. Eventually he snapped and said "F**k you" about 10 times and hung up. Got another call from his boss 10 minutes later, and I repeated the line to him. No snapping, though.
  17. This is simply a gift from the BOD to OneF. They'll have the best part of a year to moan about this now.
  18. Cushing's films were also re-hashes of TV episodes. Oh, and they were diabolically bad.
  19. Cool! Really enjoyed that/.
  20. 2am and the wife starts hitting me, shouting and screaming the house down. This was not how I wanted to be woken. Not only that, but the first words out of her mouth were: "Who the f**k is Claire?" Now, she's just woken me up and is demanding to know about a woman called Claire whom I have no idea about. Turns out that during my sleep, I said "I love you, Claire" and the wife heard me. This isn't the first time my sleep-talking has caused gyp to come my way.
  21. Blood test results are in and I am normal. That is a relief.
  22. Oh, I thought this thread was about those films from the 90s.
  23. I liked Spader in Boston Legal. He and William Shatner were a quality double act
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