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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. 2am and the wife starts hitting me, shouting and screaming the house down. This was not how I wanted to be woken. Not only that, but the first words out of her mouth were: "Who the f**k is Claire?" Now, she's just woken me up and is demanding to know about a woman called Claire whom I have no idea about. Turns out that during my sleep, I said "I love you, Claire" and the wife heard me. This isn't the first time my sleep-talking has caused gyp to come my way.
  2. Blood test results are in and I am normal. That is a relief.
  3. Oh, I thought this thread was about those films from the 90s.
  4. I liked Spader in Boston Legal. He and William Shatner were a quality double act
  5. watched the trailers - looks alright.
  6. Ooh, it's back on tomorrow. Nice! The Hubby Knows.
  7. I'll be sad to see Smith leave the role, to my mind one of the very best.
  8. How can someone say Sauchie when Tullibody is so close by? Proper dump. Try walking down Redlands Road wearing anything green.
  9. Now the wife is having to call Smyth's Toys on their 71 p a minute helpline. So much for saving a few bob compared to Toys R Us.
  10. Wife's at home awaiting a deliver and gets an email from DPD saying "we tried to deliver but nobody was at home....please call us to rearrange, quoting the number left on the card put through your door" 1. She was at home the whole time. 2. There is no card. They never came. 3. b*****ds.
  11. I slow cooked chilli using braizing beef in a pot. Took hours. Must dust off that recipe for the slow cooker.
  12. I use mine for a nice beef stew: 450g diced beef 2 onions 2 carrots (sliced) 1 tin tomatoes 1 tablespoon flour 500 ml water 3 Oxo cubes salt and pepper. Stick this baby on low for 8 hours or so and bob's your uncle. Also like to put dumplings in for the last half hour. This is just a quick and easy stew - can be prepared in 10 minutes.
  13. I guess this equipment will make them quieter if they know they're being recorded.
  14. When I played Under 12 football there was a boy on the team nicknamed 'Ish'. My dad asked one of the parents how he got that nickname. Apparently at under 11 he was pish, so got the nickname 'Pish'. At Under 12, he got better, so they dropped the P. At Under 11 there was a wee boy nicknamed Wurzel. He was properly ugly.
  15. The old woman next door to me has been house-bound ever since I moved in. SHe was quiet and her home help and family visited every day. Now she's broon breid and they're clearing the house. The wife is worried about who'll move in. I'm hoping for lesbian bikini models.
  16. I don't see how. Thompson's writing badly deteriorated through the 80s due to heavy drug use and he ended up blowing his own brains out. Makes my point perfectly well.
  17. So if someone believes that not only should marijuana remain illegal but harsher sentences be imposed on users, he's a troll? I thought we practiced free speech in this country.
  18. What the poll fails to address is the need for proper punishment of these offenders - dealers and buyers. Two sides of the same problematic coin. when was the last person sent to prison for posession? Probably need to carry a sackful around with you to get properly done. One joint should equal thirty days. And maybe have some kind of drug offenders register so that future employers know if they have a proper citizen or potential dope fiend.
  19. Really?? Comparing ecstacy consumption with coffee?? How much have you been smoking?
  20. Did anyone else get a craving afterwards to shave off all their body hair?
  21. I'm enjoying it. Back on C5 for season 2.
  22. That's baws. Ecstacy is dangerous. Long term effects include memory problems, depression, anxiety, liver, kidney and heart problems, suppressed immune system, sleep depravation...and that is no even discussing short term effects.
  23. How would it? You just create a generation of more people on marijuana who might wish to take things further with other drugs.
  24. No way should it be legalised. Absolutely not. There are no health, financial or social benefits to its legalisation. Other than some folks who smoke it ilklegally hoping to rid their conscience of the fact they're committing a crime and supporting an illegal drug industry, nobody wants it. Yes, weed heads, think of that. You might only be buying marijuana, but your seller is selling more and you're keeping him in business.
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