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Everything posted by Spidersmad

  1. Scenes! Damn you to hell ScotRail. I'm stuck in the hoose while this is going on. As fans of other clubs have said over the last few weeks - what a difference a real manager can make. Thank you Owen. Thanks to the players for standing up when it mattered.
  2. I wasn't around at the time, or rather I was a toddler. It must have been some game as Queen's were 4-1 up by the 40th minute despite having missed a penalty through Bertie Cromar. Hunter Devine bagged a hat trick. Johnny Hubbard scored two for Rangers before halftime to take it to 4-3. Second half goals from Max Murray, Billy Simpson and Alex Scott swept Queen's aside unfortunately. Teams: QP Crampsey; Harnett, Hastie; Cromar, Robb, Glen; Herd, Omand, McEwan, Devine, Heron. Rangers Niven; Shearer, Caldow; McColl, Young, Davis; Scott, Simpson, Murray, Baird, Hubbard. Scorers for QP - Herd (14); Devine (18, 38, 40). For Rangers - Murray (19, 60); Hubbard (40, 43); Simpson (78); Scott (88).
  3. I have a few QP programmes from 1948 through to 1951 and the same two supporters clubs were operating back then, certainly from 1950 onwards, each holding its own social events and organising their own transport with buses leaving at different times. The Supporter's Association (which still exists today) seems to have been a South Side based organisation with events in venues like the Dixon Hall while the Supporters' Club (Central) seesm to have catered for fans from other parts of the city with events being held in the City Centre. I hadn't noticed this until you pointed it out, Jacksgranda!
  4. Absolute eye bleeding murder apart from a good spell when Simon Murray came on. One of the lows was watching Mike Doyle and Louis Longridge trying to link up down the right wing. Jeez. A world of difference between last week v Cove and today's insipid shambles. One of these days someone will report Queen's to the cruelties for inflicting terrible football on unsuspecting primary school weans. Massive improvement needed for the play offs.
  5. 1-1. Queen's to take the lead early in the second half and opt to defend the six yard box for the final fifteen minutes. Equaliser for the Fifers in the 97th minute. The titanic Bairns - Spiders battle to avoid promotion will continue ...
  6. That's the substitution that I thought was going to be made. Still can't believe Quitongo wasn't brought on especially as we saw how effective he was against Clyde last week. Of the loan players Connell and Smith were very good today. Noticed that Connell was much more up for it last week and he was even better this week. He seems to have suddenly found an appetite for digging in and winning the ball, so much so that I would have given him the MOM award. Two points dropped despite good performances all over the park is very frustrating. Next Saturday should see us clinch a play off spot but then we all remember what happened the last time East Fife came calling - a late collapse while trying to defend deep. If our present coaching staff had seen that performance then they might not have chosen to try to repeat that tactic yesterday.
  7. What happened to him? He disappeared at the end of last season and I don't remember any announcement about his departure. Or maybe I just missed it. Grant Gillespie at the top of his game brings more to the midfield but isn't quite the kind of player I had in mind.
  8. Going by yesterday's performance no-one is learning anything. It's much the same game most weeks - all the good stuff in the first fifteen minutes then a rapid deterioration as we get sussed out / bogged down. This. Our current starting midfield is mostly lightweight and lacking experience. We need a midfield equivalent of Peter Grant - someone who is a ball winner and an organiser who can talk the younger players through a game. Some of our problems can be put down to poor recruitment as we seem to have signed or been loaned the same couple of types of player over and over again. While many are individually skilful there seems to have been no thought put into building a balanced team.
  9. A team full of fatties with nae teeth! They'd probably develop diabetes and gout too. Can't wait. Stuff yer fancy dan continental diets and training. Get the caramel wafers and monster munch in.
  10. Desperation? Naivity? I wonder what Marijn would make of it? I'm dreading to think what the kids might learn from the bold Leigh.
  11. How many fecking "attacking midfielders" do we need? Perhaps an entire team of them? Priorities should have been a striker who can score and a midfield bruiser. Recruitment obviously needs overhauled and I'm sure Marijn now realises that. It's like a miniature version of Hearts a couple of seasons ago when Craig Levein wasted a fortune on a tsunami of terrible signings.
  12. Judging by this week's pictures from Lochinch it looks like Friday Frolics have been brought to an end. Somebody at the club has been reading the room, or Pie & Bovril at any rate.
  13. Kieran Koszary was very helpful when I ran into difficulty setting up my online QP ticket account. He came over as an all round decent cove as he went well out of his way to make sure that things were working smoothly. I think there's a lot of frustration among the support just now as the first team for whatever reasons have been underperforming when you look at the resources and facilities available to them. Add to that the lack of transfer activity in the current window while other teams strengthen. There is great emphasis by the club on the progress being made on the commercial front and community engagement but as has been pointed out by others maintaining such progress is dependent on the first team playing decent football. This is a big weekend coming up. The team must perform against Airdrie or we could find ourselves slipping to fifth in the league. Winning this division is already well beyond us (despite what Michael Doyle said in his last interview) and the possibility of a play off spot is looking increasingly shaky unless there is considerable improvement on field.
  14. Yep. He moved out to right back when Kilday came on for Davidson. He definitely took a bad looking knock and was replaced by Max Gillies. No Kilday, Morrison or Gillies today and no Brown or McHugh. Murray injured today too? Interesting what notsofedupendie says above about Montrose changing their approach at halftime and Queen's failing to respond. That's been a regular feature of Queen's play this season.
  15. That's Auld Beardie on the wooarghs and wuuurghs. Keeps him off the streets I suppose. Went along yesterday not expecting anything really so I'm still in shock. Praise to Laurie for slotting Jake Davidson in at right back - good move. Great to see big Charlie Fox back where he belongs as well. For the first time in ages we looked like a proper full time team, full of energy, running and aggression all over the park. Only downside is that we won't meet another team in the league as inept as Falkirk were yesterday and I include Falkirk in that for surely they'll have gone through a load of changes by the time we play them again. Easy to point at the flaws of Falkirk for providing some of the goals but good to see our guys pressing and harrying and being there to pick up on their mistakes. Hopefully the knocks picked up by Luca Connell and Stuart Morrison aren't too serious as we need them for the much tougher fixtures coming up.
  16. Google GIF search: headless chickens / crashing bottles / shat the bed / mahoosive arse collapse / peed wursels All very different from the start of the season when we were set up to play effective and attractive attacking football. For several months watching Queen's has become an increasingly tough shift as for long spells in many games we just haven't looked like a team that trains full time together. I'm beginning to wonder just what is going on at Lochinch apart from jolly photo ops. Beelin' after that, but well done to East Fife for taking advantage of a collapsing Queen's. Mercifully there was no time left to concede another goal.
  17. Going by the QP twitter feed and the BBC text updates this has been a master class in "rope a dope." Pretend to be shite for 40 minutes then bang in a couple of goals. I mean we were pretending, right?
  18. Yep, agree with this. My first ever visit to Dumbarton for an away match and it was a grand day out apart from the first half and getting soaked at Dumbarton East and Dalmuir stations on the way home. Thought Queen's were pretty poor during that first half but considerable improvement in the second when they stopped the non stop lobbing of hopeful balls into the middle. Have the feeling there's potential for this team to be better going forward than they have been in the last few weeks. Hope they build on that second half in the game on Sunday v Alloa.
  19. Probably not given how shite our defense is. So it's a shite Clyde defence v a clueless Queen's attack. 0-0 shitfest incoming. You heard it here first.
  20. Agree that that's the most realistic medium / long term plan. I think the capacity in the original plans for developing the east and west sides of Lesser is 1,800. With the present layout there's definitely room for another stand at the Somerville Drive end but with no room for a 4th stand at the Letherby Drive end. Moving the pitch slightly north would give room for a stand / terrace at that end. If all 4 sides were developed then there would probably be room for a 2,500 - 3,000 capacity stadium. Currently the regular QP support is only around 500. At the open meetings about turning pro, Gerry Crawley spoke about hopefully growing the support to around 1,200 which would be quite an achievement. Even back in the early '80s when QP were briefly in the second tier of Scottish football we struggled to get gates of over 1,000. Perhaps a professional Queen's side competing consistently at a decent level and with strengthened links with the local community would have more potential for increasing the support.
  21. I've been saying for years that the best solution for QP is to move over the hill back to Second Hampden, or the former Cathkin Park as it is perhaps better known. There's plenty of room there to build a modern stadium which could start with a possible capacity of around 3,000 and could be expanded in stages up to 10,000 if the need should arise. The Lesser Hampden site has always seemed too closed in to me. Having been used to the views from the Hampden Centre Stand and now the Jackie Husband Stand, the views from just a few rows back in the new Lesser will take a bit of getting used to.
  22. Really enjoyed that yesterday. Some great passing football on display after the opening goal. There were several spells (especially after we'd gone 2-0 up) where Dumbarton could have pulled a goal back and that was enough to keep me on tenterhooks until goal number 3 went in. Praise of course for the creativity of Gillespie, Brown, Longridge and Murray but I thought Lewis Moore also came onto a good game especially in the second half. Good atmosphere in the stand which was helped by the presence of the Dumbarton support. Pleased to see there was a crowd of over 600 although a few weel kent faces weren't present which is understandable under the circumstances. Agree 100% with the above.
  23. Only caught the second half due to computer problems but it was mostly painful viewing. Despite all the midfield dominance hee haw was happening up front.
  24. More like Tourette's on Tour. Have you made up a pwoppa naughty song for Annan?
  25. Have I strayed into the Old Firm section? This thread certainly doesn't read like a QP thread. I mostly enjoyed Saturday at perhaps the most entertaining 0-0 draw I've ever watched. However I did find the "Airdrie song" from the group of adolescents up at the back rather boorish and certainly unworthy of the QP support. It's a bit disturbing to find hints of politics and religion creeping into a QP discussion and no doubt there'll be a bit of the traditional Old Firm "whitabootery" along soon, i.e. "whit aboot them, they're worse!" I would like to point out to both Ayr Diamond and the few QP fans entering into this pish that for a supposedly "loyalist town" Airdrie has a helluva big SNP vote, so things aren't quite as simple as certain people like to make them out to be, from whatever motive. Now, is there a game on tomorrow?
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