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Everything posted by johnoswald2712

  1. First big test for the new owner will be whether he has the balls to sack that pair of imposters Levein and Kirk. It should be the first thing he does as soon as the takeover is complete
  2. Just a reminder that this was said back in February.
  3. We deserve to go down. 3 games on the bounce we have shown absolutely no fight or ability. A manager stealing a wage and playing a pile of players who are doing the same. Does anyone truly think these shitebags have it in them to roll their sleeves up, get wired in and fight for our top flight place.
  4. Do you think their tactical training is have everyone standing on a line with a ball and then Sidibe and Kimpioka take turns at running away as fast as they can while the rest of the guys shell the balls over their heads
  5. He’s having one of his better games today but is still pretty anonymous. Pretty much sums it up really.
  6. He also said he only loses his shit when he doesn’t see effort. Matt & Connor Smith must constantly be getting slaughtered then.
  7. It’s stuff like this that does my nut in and just another reason to add to the list of why the two of them should get the Spanish archer. It is like guys at Sunday league level. Next game I would like to see this team but absolutely know it’ll be nothing like this. Mitov Kjeltens. Gordon. Considine. Robinson McGowan Wright. Franczak. Carey May. Clark This will be tough on Benji and Adama but honestly don’t think anyone else could complain if they were dropped. Front 2 could easily be any 2 from 4 but that front 2 worked well last season and I think deserves a shot as long as they stay up front and don’t spend most of the game running around in midfield
  8. Why aren’t we sacking him? We sacked Callum last season with 6 games left because it was obvious the decision needed to be taken. Yesterday proved the same decision needs to be taken again. My only concern is Stan Harris tried to get Martindale , whose team looks like being relegated, and then settled on a guy whose philosophy is so dated it wouldn’t be out of place in the 1950s. Just because he’s a lifelong fan doesn’t mean he’s qualified to make these type of decisions
  9. Joe Ellison is a full back/midfielder from Auchterarder and Scott Bright is a defender from Perth. Both have been with the club since they were 10 years old. Think both of them will have decent careers
  10. This is pretty much my understanding. No chance the naked eye can tell if players are really close so the linesman (refuse to call them assistant refs) guesses. I really don’t want VAR as in Scotland all it is doing is adding another layer of incompetence. If we must have it, I’d prefer it to be used sparingly for things like goal line technology, is foul in box but unless there is clear daylight between players to make errors clear and obvious then I think it shouldn’t interfere in offside decisions. Part of the fun of going to games is sitting with your mates arguing about decisions but VAR is even sucking the life out of that. As soon as something happens and the ref’s finger goes to his ear your immediate reaction is “ah f**k” and then you have a 5 minute wait to further piss you off. Maybe all it will take is one club to refuse to pay for it and this will be the incentive needed to bin it.
  11. I asked this question on Twitter as I honestly don’t know the answer. In games when VAR isn’t used, is level onside? Does the advantage go to the attacker? The answer to these questions used to be yes but now I honestly don’t know. If the rules have been changed do these changes only apply in games using VAR? Seems to me that different rules apply in different games. Surely that can’t be right
  12. I have to say that I was somewhat surprised that people felt he was an option for us. I always felt he was very like what we are seeing with our current midfield in that he technically proficient but lightweight and didn’t really impose himself on games. In my opinion if we are looking at any of the young guys for our midfield then Ben McCrystal is our best option
  13. Mitov, Sidibeh, Phillips, Kimpioka. Could probably make a case for McGowan and Gordon plus Fran to go out on loan to get more experience
  14. County showed that if you roll your sleeves up and get wired in you can get rewards. Does anyone honestly think we could do this with the gutless wonders we have to suffer every week? A manager that actually plays to win games wouldn’t harm either
  15. Think this is the hub of the issue. Fans in general will accept players of limited ability as long as they see them bursting a gut, running harder, winning not just the 50/50s but the 40/60s and in general being an absolute nightmare to play against. We however have managed to build a squad full of players with limited ability who are soft as shit and down tools as soon as they get a wee knock. We’d all love to see a Saints team that plays open, attacking, passing football but in general these type of players are way outwith our budget. However this squad needs to learn that you have to earn the right to play the way you want and that means winning your individual battles to begin with. Not one of this squad would get into the 2014 cup winning team and I include Mitov in that.
  16. We have one penalty box striker and the ultra negative twat we have as a manager chooses to play him at the top of a midfield diamond. Could just about accept this if it meant he got on the ball more so got more chances but it just basically leaves us a man down and on the odd occasion we actually manage to put a ball in the box from open play Clark is miles behind the play and there’s no one in there. Another thing that really winds me up is making one sub at a time. We are allowed 5 subs over 3 stoppages (unless there’s a head knock) but he constantly makes one sub at a time. He either leaves players on who are knackered or doesn’t have players ready to replace injured ones. It just gives me a vibe of a shit Sunday league manager
  17. That means we travel to. Aberdeen and Dingwall 3 times while Motherwell travel to Perth 3 times. Switch the County and Motherwell games and it seems more likely
  18. We are likely to be playing teams who don’t play a high line the way Hibs defence did yesterday and we tend to struggle more against these types of teams. On the plus side though , they are the teams we tend not to lose to so hopefully will see us safe. Still don’t want Levein next season though (or Kirk for that matter) but would he be a better bet that Gus MacPherson upstairs?
  19. Just finished telling the wife that Gallagher is shite and an empty shirt and he pops one in. Now telling her Carey, Kimpioka, Smith etc are shite in the hope they can do the same
  20. f**k me. A forward pass produces a goal shock
  21. Yep, Considine against Martin Boyle. What could possibly go wrong
  22. While I think we deserved a point , this is also true. We have a manager who appears to be going through the motions and not giving a toss. When Sidibe went down with cramp he couldn’t make a substitution because nobody was ready to come on and it’s not the first time that’s happened since the non-dynamic duo started. They also don’t seem to understand that you are only allowed 3 stoppages to make subs. This is why we see teams bring on 2or3 players at a time. Meanwhile we make one change when it was blatantly obvious that both Max and Gallagher were breathing out of their arse and Smith was his usual invisible self. It’s stuff like this added to his generally defensive nature that should get him the sack.
  23. Quite honestly they can both get to f**k as far as I’m concerned. Neither has done enough to suggest they should be at this level at all, let alone starting. If they’ve done this once, they’ll do it again and again. Punt the pair of them
  24. The last sentence is pretty much where I am. Not sure I agree we saw some half decent performances in the early months(maybe home v Hibs) but it was so bad under Macca and Callum that any small improvement was exaggerated. Since Tommy Wright was appointed we’ve not been an open attractive team to watch but we were always difficult to play against, fought like f**k, and tried to get forward and win games. Levein’s team is nothing like that. Defensive, easy to play against and soft as shit. I’ll still get my season tickets next season but maybe someone can show this thread to Stan Harris so he can let the so called management team how the fans truly feel
  25. Thought we made the wrong substitution when Sprangler had to go off. We needed some physicality in there and Max definitely doesn’t provide that. Could have put Kjeltens in there and Fran at wing back or McGowan to midfield, Kjeltens to cb and Fran at wing back. As @RandomGuy. said that midfield was far too easy to pass through.
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