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Posts posted by Crùbag

  1. 1 minute ago, Leith Green said:

    We were in the pub last night and as soon as he did it I said "thats a pen" . When it went to slow motion every single one of my group said "thats a red too".

    HT in the toilets, there were still guys going "thought it was a solid tackle"......................

    The Big Lebowski What GIF by MOODMAN

    TBH, I did think he got the ball. Which he did. Then I saw the Kung Fu move on the guy's ankle a millisecond later.

    He didn't need to do that. That pic makes it look intentional and he's got form.

    A shit performance from virtually all of them though.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Seumas Abrach said:

    Upbeat! That would get us in a proper good mood, dancing!Mise, 's toigh leam! I'd go for The Ball of Kirriemuir

    B'fheàrr leam Òran na Cloiche ach bidh na faclan car doirbh dhan a'mhòr chuid.

  3. 1 minute ago, RandomGuy. said:

    If you don't understand the difference there then you're beyond hope.

    Germany have one of the greatest playmakers in footballing history in their midfield, and two generational talents out wide.

    We have Tony Ralston, Ryan Porteous and Jack Hendry, trying to stop them.

    Folk who are absolutely raging about this result need to take a deep breath and realise that sometimes you come up against a far better side, get it wrong, and get ridden raw, and that doesn't mean you just throw everything in the bin because its clearly not working.

    Hickey, Gilmour, Dykes, we maybe see more of a fight but ultimately we just aren't good enough. The next two games need to be better and should be better, and if not then you start asking questions.

    This is a German side who've beaten France twice in the past 12 months, and who scored 4 against Portugal in the last Euros, and folk are talking them down.

    No. We're closer to Germany than Gibraltar are to us.

    They did more to stifle us than us to Germany. We were utterly awful tonight. The worst Scottish display I can remember in a while.

    Greece, who I believe are below us, almost beat them.

    As to yon playmaker, who decided it was a good idea to give him acres of space FFS?

  4. 7 minutes ago, GroundskeeperWillie said:

    Bit of context needed here if we're being honest.  For the Spain game away, for example, we had the goal - unfairly in my opinion - disallowed and were by no means outclassed that night.  In some of the games though we showed some of the defensive, and to be brutally honest midfield, fragility we demonstrated tonight.  At times we rolled over and allowed out tummies to be tickled, and that should be more frustrating than anything


    To an extent. We matched, or even bossed, the Dutch for 70 minutes before the late collapse. From then on it was utter shoight. Clarke just making excuses.

    Teams like Gibraltar can park the bus against us but we can't do it against the big boys.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

    I think what you are saying is that our squad is pish and the manager can't work a sensible formation?

    I agree.

    This run of form FFS...


    ONE laboured win against Gibraltar. Clarke needs his jotters if we fail against Switz and Hungary.



  6. 1 hour ago, UpInTheAyr said:

    I don't think Germany being a level above can be used as the main excuse as to why they've utterly shat it here.

    Giving Kroos the freedom of the pitch, Porteous being a psycho again and Gunn's hologram hands are not a good recipe. Not sure who got passmarks though.

    MacGregor was awful, Robertson, Ralston, Christie and donkey Hanely, again, all pish. Hendry looked like a toddler against the Deutsch.

    If we play as awful against the Swiss and Hungarians as we did tonight and for the past 7 or 8 games, Clarke needs emptied.

  7. Watching my first debate.

    Slater getting a good round of applause.

    Sarwar making a decent point but being undermined by his boss in London, Wes Streeting, who admitted that devolved parliaments can't do much as "all roads lead back to Westminster". Little wonder given that the Welsh public services are probably the worse in the UK.

  8. 1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

    That was my feeling.

    He came across very well - certainly better than Swinney on Monday night.

    He needs to be used more.

     Didn't see him last night but he did well and wiped the floor with Farage apparently.

    He usually comes across well though. Yeah, needs to be used more.

  9. 14 hours ago, wirez said:

    Election leaflet through the door for the SNP councillor hoping to hold the seat as the sitting MP is stepping down.

    Usual waffle about protecting the NHS, cost of living, energy prices.

    Not one mention of independence. Not one.

    Cock and balls on the ballot paper it is then.



    You voting Farage then?



    SNP for me though, we can get back to indy afterwards. Labour has nothing to offer. Just more Toryism.

  10. Didn't see the debate due to watching the Scotland v Grant Hanely game but heard that Rayner looked a tad uncomfortable defending right-wing Labour pish and nonsense that she doesn't really believe in. That and her not engaging Farage on his immigration froth because they essentially share the same policies.

    Flynn was good apparently. Some hope for the SNP?


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