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    Ayr United

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  1. That's a ridiculous price. Although this cup is a complete lottery it should be the other way around
  2. Ayr are investing cash on better players and it looks like we may have a decent squad size also. That is very important in this league where most teams have their work cut out with finances since covid days. If you look where we managed to finish last season despite the quality of our squad we are a good bit on from there. I also don't see many other teams kicking on and it looks like more of the same from last season. This league gets a lot of praise on how good it is but actually it's teams being able to beat one another as nobody has the resources to put a run together. Most of the teams punching above their weight have been the ones with less budget. Whilst i don't think we will win the league we will be up nearer the top. If Raith replicate last season they have a chance and also Thistle but i'm still not sure whether Doolan knows his stuff or just has more backing than most .
  3. There are several factions in the party who have been tolerant but not united after Swinney took over. Unless there is a completely new broom then more of the same coming at Holyrood election. Swinney has been part of the problem for the last however many years and still associated with the previous problems. Many people will be out of work should last nights result be repeated and i don't expect them to hang around waiting for it to happen. Humza/Swinney have all about keeping the Murrells in power/out of trouble rather than fresh ideas and leadership. I would expect others in the party to take a stand and challenge this again now
  4. When does the internal bloodletting start for the Snp? Some big hitters will be desperate to get back up the road to the holyrood trough. Wonder if the continuity/cover up wrong doing candidate will survive or the other side of the party make a play
  5. How could anyone not see that coming? When party influencers like Gillian Sturgeon can't even be bothered voting you must surely know the ball has long been burst.
  6. Colon McKay still doing his bit on the news to polish the turd. Claiming 18 seats would be a good result when it's really a collapse of Hibs proportions
  7. Can the scottish natsis win more seats than they lose om Thursday? The big question for the only show in town
  8. Being bombed out is a different level to being dropped. Think he was quite generous in that article considering his replacement had a few moments of madness also
  9. Hopefully Macron has delivered a blueprint to Swinney tonight for when the Snp get their arses handed to them in the forthcoming election
  10. Not sure any of the moneybags teams have walked it though. It's taken until the last couple of games until they picked up expected form. Still think a smaller team could beat them at some point although things like squad size count in getting them over the line
  11. Whilst we will certainly score more goals is there not a chance that these might be split more between the two. Different story to having only one competent player that can score who becomes the focal point for everything
  12. Aye a fair bit of news so far today. Not sure the balance is quite right when the best bit is that players are leaving
  13. The cash being made available for players or being put into the club. Costs of the stand rocketed and the club were quite right to balance the books.
  14. Bullen finished second in his first season and perhaps the feeling was that these type of players worked. Last season it all unravelled pretty quickly but would also say we played the budget tight as the resources were going into the new stand
  15. That might work on the left hand side but on the right Watret should be the cover player if he's as good as others are saying
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