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Tony Wonder

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Everything posted by Tony Wonder

  1. I doubt she did, but she probably looked at her twitter.
  2. She's probably just trying to play it down a bit after the horrific abuse she received online. Some of it was ridiculously OTT. Vile, misogynistic pish.
  3. Sorry man, was too quick to take it the wrong way. Too used to reading KB and everyone being a smartarse!
  4. I took it as him meaning the support was irrelevant to what was on the pitch. If he meant the support will do there bit regardless I apologise.
  5. I never said it would? I was making the point that last season there was a concerted effort to not get on players backs which wasn't the norm at Tynecastle and if we can keep that up it could help the team in tighter games whereas getting on their back could see a few of them go into their shell. I said it could help pick up a few points, not define our season.
  6. Absolutely fantastic effort all things considered. If we give the team the same backing as last year it'll be worth a few points over the season I reckon.
  7. That also works, as does taking to the internet to abuse a 27 year old lassie who was having a bit of fun.
  8. Tbf, I've always found the best way to show something doesn't bother me is to repeatedly tell everyone how much it doesn't bother me.
  9. Good to see Walker tied down to a new 3 year deal. Glad to see us move quickly to try and get the boys with a year left sorted.
  10. Aye, but he is available so we have cover which by definition is depth. Unless you meant it as a slight on his quality, in which case I'm confused as to how giving away a penalty makes you a poor player.
  11. The loyalty points are there specifically to reward people who follow the team when a high demand match comes along. Showing loyalty in other ways should have some sort of reward, but not at the expense of people who make the effort to go to games.
  12. Not necessarily more of a fan, but absolutely they should get priority when tickets are hard to come by. If I go to every away game I'd be fuming if I lost out on a ticket for a crucial match to someone who'd bought him and his family the new kit but hadn't gone to an away game in a long time. Also, what if you have 3 kids and I have none? How does it make you a more loyal fan because you bought 3 kits and 3 sets of bedcovers when I'd have no reason whatsoever to do so?
  13. Think it's a good move, he looks good but needs proper first team football to help his development. It'll also let Robbie Brown be first chocie for the under 20's which will help him massively.
  14. 6 goals in 14 starts last season while playing as a lone striker in a struggling team. Aye, all he does is run.
  15. Riordan isn't from Granton. It could still do with being sterilised like.
  16. Lets 'ave it!!! I'm in* * nae hitting in the face though, I've got a party later that night.
  17. So he is, apologies, I thought he was younger. It's a big season for him, but I stand by my point that I still think he has the raw ability of a decent centre half. Big season for him, and as pointed out it's up to him to impress. There was no defensive discipline for a large part of last season and I think all the defenders will end up looking like much better players this season.
  18. What's with the abuse by some towards McKay? He's clearly a bit rough around the edges, but is 19 and for me has always looked like he's got the ability to be a good CH. He'll come on leaps and bounds with proper coaching and will be backup this season so we'll have the luxury of helping him develop without the pressure of being first pick in a struggling Premiership side.
  19. I actually hate stories like this, tabloids really are run by p***ks. Guy who doesn't have much left from football gets a job to support his family and they seem to be revelling in him having to do so. The guy had an addiction and is now trying to provide, good on him.
  20. I'd imagine Keatings would be in his thoughts as well.
  21. Prince Buaben confirmed as a new signing. Happy with that, welcome aboard.
  22. According to Barry Anderson we're talking to freed Rangers keeper Scott Gallacher about being back up.
  23. I don't think he'll have the same kind of authority in his role at Hearts to act like such a dick without being reprimanded. He's taking on 'some' of David Southern's duties, who had already been effectively demoted when Budge etc came in.
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