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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. Even as a weegie, I know exactly what you mean. I actually try and go somewhere further out of the way to avoid the great unwashed. Somewhere far enough/inconvenient to get to, but not too far. Oban usually wins. Beat that for hypocracy.
  2. Annoying clowns who seem to think the whole world wants to hear their chronically bad music blaring out their back door as soon as the sun comes out. That old c**t across the back is really baking my fucking tamale with all his pish old man music.
  3. Surely Jews, Moslems, Shiks, Hindus, ets etc are still allowed though. At least they are all acceptable.
  4. You are, of course, obliged to shout 'Woo hoo!' in a high pitched voice every time you dislodge it with your arse.
  5. Nah, doing running instead of football now too many ligament injuries over the years to keep playing.
  6. See in this game, when a long ball gets played, do SP or Kev require to phone a taxi to get to it?
  7. Try saying that getting out a taxi after a 2 minute fare....
  8. The thing I'd most like to share with P&B that isnt a PTTGOYN or a RTBC is that Sao Paulo and Sir Kevin are a pair of lazy c***s.
  9. Yep, done it today and it is a completely different run than Pollok. My time was much quicker, in fact easily my best time for a 5K park run (although still room for a lot of improvement). Was chuffin freezing this morning. Also better 'cos there were a lot less folk than pollok, where there's now simply too many folk. Gets a bit daft with all the wobblebottoms there.
  10. Yeah thats pretty hard and you've got that wee hill on both laps. Still when you get to the top of it its largely downhill. I'll see how strathclyde park goes this saturday. I'm only about 6 or 7 miles from that probably.
  11. Bump. For info for anyone that does the parkrun thingies, theres now a third one in Scotland at Strathclyde park. Strathclyde Park Run I discovered this while attending the Pollok park one this morning. Think I'll switch to Strathclyde, for some reasons my times at Pollok are really crap. dunno why.
  12. Woo hoo! getting into Uni in a social sciences degree. What an achievement.
  13. Wizz into the magners bottle and take it down in the morning when you are doing a real piss, puor it into the lavvy.
  14. Why, when you've decided that you are giving the drink a miss for a while (e.g. January for me) do those who are with you almost seem to want to make it their mission to get you to drink. Thats twice recently its really pissed me off. The old Chewin the fat "Huv a drink" sketch is so true. What difference does it make to them that I'm on a coke? I got it bad last week at an after work short gathering on Friday and a bit lesser after the football today (i didnt even want to go to the pub but those getting a lift from me were already there) General jist of each conversation (repeatedly); Workmate : Whit ye having? me :Just a Coke, I'm giving it a miss for a month - loosing some weight, working on fitness, etc Workmate : Aye right, yer getting a lager. me :No, seriously, Ive not drank for a few weeks now, so dont want to break my run. Anyway based on the fact I'm not drinking Ive got other stuff planned out with the kids tonight. Workmate : Here!, barman - get him a lager Everyone else there : oh come on tae f**k and loosen up - get a beer in me : geez peace, eh? I just want a coke. Dont buy me a lager yer just wasting your money cos I aint drinking it. workmate : Barman - make it a stella - this fannys taking a bit of persuading me : dont bother. Get me a coke. workmate : I'm buying and its a stella (to now pissed of looking barman) me (now getting pissed off) : look, gie it a fucking rest will ye - I dont want a beer. everyone else : f**k sake, no need to get shitty about it and drink your beer (as lager arrives) me : f**k this im off home (leaves) Monday morning : everyone - Jesus whit was your problem on Friday? me : aaaaaarrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh.
  15. Roast Chicken with stuffing, Mashed creamed spuds, sauted onions and chillies. It was great. Nom Nom Nom. Now eating a handfull of nuts with a nightcap can of TL.
  16. Folk who seem to be utterly oblivious of the difficulties snowy conditions make for driving. Folk parking at stupid corners that normally wouldnt be an issue but given folk are driving along the same tracks on a snowy road either direction does not help. Seen some daft bint getting a good 10 second beeping at (not by me) and while sitting there in the queue she was causing enjoying her fear, alarm and total oblivious look. She didnt have a scooby that she was causing a hold up. She looked as terrified as she did confused. Also folk pullng in to the side of the road to park without indicating. Twats.
  17. I know loads of folk who are out, Ive just not got the dosh this week.
  18. Im gonna invite him over here and get him hammered. Then send him back to you. Then you can thank me....
  19. Oh no, not again. Is he pished enough to scare your halloween visitors?
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