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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. Was busy yesterday morning. Over 200. Pretty damn cold too, but it was a good run.
  2. Clearly its all about share price, etc. Means he's got to wait longer before collecting his big profit.
  3. Green : "In what league do you win a division and then end up playing the same teams again the following season? " err how about the SPL for starters ya fucking moron.
  4. That was excellent this morning. Really good conditions for January and not too bad a time given its my first in a while.
  5. That was excellent this morning. Really good conditions for January and not too bad a time given its my first in a while.
  6. See you tomorrow then! This year I want to do a 10K every month March-November and beat my PB which wont take much TBH. I also want to get under 25 mins at Parkrun, which is very do-able too.
  7. aye, I know that one, done it a few times. The hill from the old folks home up to Chatelherault house is fun and games!! I'll try it at some point soon. I actually like running round strathclyde loch.
  8. In the best traditions of new year - resolutions destined to fail, etc etc though I'd bump this thread. Done a not so quick lap of Strathclyde park today (just a tiny bit shy of 6K). New years day (today I suppose) afternoon looks to be ok weather wise so will probably do it again. Time to get back on the straight and narrow.
  9. Got a stinker of a cold. sure its down to running in sub zero temperatures last week. anyone else get this?
  10. Done the christmas cracker 5k yeserday at strathclyde park. they had to re- do the course there too due to ice. It was longer there as well. 5.8km which was a fair difference. think they made a bit of an erse of the re-measuring.
  11. Aye, thats the one. I done an 8k/5 mile last night and I'm really feeling it today. Not enough training. come back summer.
  12. Aye its hard. ive layed off a wee bit, so feeling the need to grin and bear it. its meant to be a wee bit milder anyway the next few days. Got some 5k to run in strathclyde park on sunday, so will skip parkrun saturday
  13. If you're going I can pick up from a reasonable distance
  14. Doing Strathclyde parkrun on Saturday if you're up for it. got quite a lot of running on this weekend, so wont be hitting the pub.
  15. Astounding how much booze makes a difference. A full 36 hours after a major skinfull at the football on Saturday I went for a lunchtime run today. Absolutely dying on my feet and it felt like I was sweating lager. Back out tomorrow evening. Hopefully its out my system by then.
  16. Jebus. Thats impressive, especially as you still had a good distance to go. Different league to me.
  17. I forgot to ask you today, do you do any training during the week?
  18. Had a nice we 7.1k tonight. Really nice night temperature/conditions wise too. Pleased with a not too bad time as I was off out drinking last night watching the Luxembourg V Scotland game and had a fair few. Strathclyde Parkrun on Saturday morning - weather forecast not too bad for that either.
  19. Well done. Cracking time. I ended up with a really dissapointing time . Dont know what it was today. Still raging. It was a bit mental at the start.
  20. It turned out a really good day for it, but yes its a fine balance at this time of year. Thats why I didnt go the week before. Dont think it was a PB for the old guy, but defo got him in quicker than his usual time. I also harrassed some poor woman to death and got her in under the 30 for her first time ever, which was surprisingly pleasing. I ran home from work tonight (9.8K) and got utterly soaked to the skin for nearly an hour. It was really really shit.
  21. I'm doing it too. See you there. What happened at parkrun on Saturday? didnt spot you. I had a cold so took one of the slow pacer vests. Total cop out Had some old guy moaning like feck as I was 25 seconds ahead of schedule at the first km. He looked like father Jack by the time we finished. :lol:
  22. Its felt like it a couple of times in the last week. It was absolutely battering down when I was out on thursday for over an hour. I had quite a lot of kit on in an attempt to keep warm. The weight in it with all the rain was incredible when I finally managed to peel off.
  23. Well done Scott. Never made it today. Still sore from a beasting I got at my Thursday run (circuits after the run killed me, still hobling about). Thats a right good improvement for you.
  24. Ooft, this was almost down to the 4th page there - whats happening folks? Anyone doing a parkrun tomorrow AM?
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