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Everything posted by Garrowhillclyde

  1. Any chance next year you dont do it my missus birthday. So wish I'd went
  2. No probs Scott. Your head did look down a bit. I didn't think you heard me!. I had a really good run today. Big big improvement after a few weeks of stagnation. Guid lad. That course has personal best written all over it.
  3. Cool. I Never knew about this event. Looks like a go-er - a pretty flat one too.
  4. I was a marshal on saturday at strathclyde parkrun cos i done the strathcarron 10k sunday. that was pretty tough compared to the Cumbernauld one i done a month or so ago. first 3k a bit of a nightmare.
  5. Ive got the Strathcarron 10k on Sunday. Anyone going/anyone done it? Details about it seems pretty sparse!
  6. Im thinking on doing the strathcarron one the same day. Much cheaper.
  7. Almost entirely flat. The couple of very minor inclines are so small you wouldnt even notice them.
  8. That was poor this morning. A very poor run. A mixture of thursday night's 8.5k, remnants of a cold and being a fat b*****d conspired for a poor time. No more booze for me for a week. Except tonight. tonight is fine.
  9. Well done Jack. You going this saturday? I missed last week due to a stinking cold but better now. Done 8k tonight and raring to go Saturday. Hopefully that lazy big shite Adam wont cop out.....
  10. Aye that was pretty annoying. They werent even close to where they should have been.
  11. oh well, at least it wasnt those dickface hooray henry rowing fuds. What a pain in the arse they are when they are at Strathclyde park.
  12. I knew youd be on here like a shot! Good time though. dont remember him saying anything about that!
  13. I'll withdraw my tentative enquiry then, that puts it back to 10 I think.
  14. Indeed. Was at Glasgow Area 5s before you were but a glint it the thesauras salesman's eye.
  15. If its gonna be a game of 6 a side pinball and you need another bod, Im in. Graftness needed in prep for cnauld 10k on Sunday.
  16. Cool. I loved her hairdo in the nineties and her role in 'friends' was barely tolerable.
  17. Power Leage area bounced off off chrissy when putting in a challenge - G.Clyde.
  18. Was there anyone there tonight that wasnt a Clyde or Thistle fan?
  19. As per Mr Wee's posting, I am available if selected, for a one off comeback. In a Frank Sinatra comeback style. Although he aint as old as me. But I will do it my way. Edit : Drunk
  20. But at least it will stop him humping cushions, soft toys, etc endlessly.
  21. Maybe she can be visited for a conjugal visit. I would still gladly pay £140 for a piss up out with my mates then a night of swapping bodily fluids with some random buxom wench! How many times have you went out, spent a fortune, see your team get pumped bandy by a bunch of farmers gone back to Glasgow had a shite night out and then went home only to find youd spend three figures easily. The above story sounds a much better option!
  22. Aye, but for the time you thought it had been a reet good shag and youd pulled something decent looking before you noiced the card I bet you were well chuffed. Well worth the £140
  23. I suppose that is true. Gives you a different perspective. All I am saying is dont expect it to be the land of milk and honey or dont build up too much of an expectation.
  24. I remember this stage. Came back a year later realising the grass wasnt greener at all.
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