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Harry Haddock

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Everything posted by Harry Haddock

  1. Cfcuk-I've said it before so I'll say it again.As you obviously feel you can run things better let me pay for your ownership fee and then I can propose you for Board membership at the next AGM.Yes the Generations initiative has been a bit farcical but we have to realise that at the moment we do not have the power to pressure companies to meet our needs.Maybe you are the man to give us that impetus.
  2. Could it be the majority of pre orders were for the large size?
  3. I listened to the program end do not recall BF expressing my interest in the St Mirren post.
  4. I'm no scientist but if Earth wasn't flat would we not all fall off?
  5. Agreed-i have a feeling we will now see the best of Flynn. Also agree with Gunther that it would be a terrific gesture to offer Easton a contract extension. It has been good to read the comments from the Clyde manager about Clyde giving all the support they can to assist Lowdon and Easton in their recuperation.
  6. Regardless of what happens at Elgin on Saturday our next home game v Forfar is massive.Time surely for all of those keyboard warriors purporting to support Clyde to put their machines to sleep and instead turn up at Broadwood and give the team the support they deserve.
  7. Easton might be everyone's cup of tea but I would recommend any readers of this page go onto the Clyde home page and view the highlights of yesterday's game.I doubt you will see a better goal this season.There is no doubt we Clyde fans are in for an exciting season if yesterday is anything to go by.Some lovely football,2 stunning goals and some shaky defending to keep our feet on the ground.So many positives and I can only see things getting better with McGovern,Ferguson and Smith getting close to a return. And finally am I alone in thinking we might just have a decent keeper?
  8. Can someone please explain to me why in the middle of a discussion on where me might be playing in the future Paul Shields turns up-what am I missing? As for Shawfield-well apart from the emotional pull I am afraid without massive investment it will remain just a dream.
  9. What's difficult to understand.Lessons have been learned from the East Kilbride and it appears the Board are working hard to ensure our Club has a progressive future-let's hope this article doesn't hamper things.
  10. It is a competitive game so it is not so much supporting the tournament as supporting the team.
  11. Excellent performance,especially from Johnstone at right back.Flynn and Easton need to talk to one and other as they both seem to look for the same ball but when they gel we can look forward to some high class movement. Where we are better than last season is at full back and midfield where we have pace and the players brought in seem to have raised McLaughlin's game, I thought he was excellent yesterday.I worry a wee bit about Linton,I thought he dipped towards the end of last season and still looks a bit rusty.However it is early days and there are definitely signs of progress.
  12. I'm married that's why I am going to Clyde vs Thistle u20s.
  13. Looked good. With a few games under his belt will be a real asset. Had an early chance which goalie did well to save.I didn't realise Celtic's first goal was scored by the young guy we had on loan a couple of years ago-it was an absolute screamer.Also good to see some very prominent Bully Wee and Clyde Foundation signage dwarfing the Colts signage opposite the main stand.Almost felt like our ground again.
  14. Don't normally go to friendlies but was keen to see the newbies and I wasn't disappointed not a failure amongst them.Whilst it was just a friendly the game was played in a competitive manner with 3 excellent goals- 2 from Clyde. Some of these Celtic youngsters showed great promise but those that came into contact with David Marsh will have had their eyes opened,he was aggressive and was immense in the air.Hope to see more of this from him this seasoN.
  15. Apparently news soon on website of 2 great signings-1 on pitch 1 off. Perhaps confirmation of McDonald and at a guess new sponsor.
  16. If he has been quoted accurately then it is pretty clear why Ferguson doesn't want him anywhere near the Clyde dressing room.
  17. In response to a query raised on the Owners's Q &A the Chairman stated that the Club would never be supportive of extending competitions to include B teams but we're not consulted by the SPFL on this initiative but only advised of the SPFL Board decision the day prior to the announcement. He also added that just to break even a crowd of 520 would be required.Not in the oleaster bit interested in this competition but by not going it only increases the financial burden on the Club and on that basis I'll be there.
  18. Clyde Chairman has made it clear that Clyde were totally opposed to revised format.I cannot recall where I read this but most likely on Clyde website.
  19. Hardly pawns.One of those pushing Glencairn is an uncle of BG and also ex director of Clyde.The uncle in question was a frequent poster on the Clyde website forum but for some reason is very quiet these days.
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