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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. This. Was tempted to go along and see him tonight but was instantly put off by the thought of the thousands of neds and morons that will also be there to see him.
  2. Not sure if this counts, but half way through last season, during a home match at Cappielow, a ball ended up stuck in the guttering of our main stand. Funny at the time but it was even funnier noticing the ball still being there for 5/6 matches after this before eventually being removed.
  3. You put “lolz” on an internet forum. Cannot take seriously.
  4. Taps aff. Considering putting it back on as I'm stuck to the sofa with sweat!!
  5. Gaston New Buchanan Kilday(new) Iredale Millar Tidser Maclean Telfer McAlister Johnstone Looks good...
  6. Kilday and Buchanan are solid enough starting CBs but we definitely need back up!
  7. Taps aff. Well it would be if I wasn’t stuck in work!
  8. Excellent signing. Shaping up nicely. Who’s the next former player to sign up?
  9. He could easily fit in somewhere like Livi or Hamilton. If Ricki Lamie can make the Premiership (and good luck to the big man) so can Andy Murdoch.
  10. Excellent player who, with no offence meant to either club, should be playing at a higher level that Ayr or Brechin.
  11. I hope the club will arrange something for the first cup or league home match to honour him.
  12. Was gutted to hear this earlier today. Thank you for saving our club, Mr Rae.
  13. What gets longer when you pull it, fits nicely into a tight hole and can sit perfectly between a woman’s breasts? A seatbelt, you dirty minded f*cker.
  14. More of a PTTGOYN, but I went into work yesterday morning and was greeted with the sight of my monitors, keyboard and phone in different places to where I had left them the night before, thanks to the cleaners. Took me ten minutes to get everything sorted back to the way I like it. Wasn’t best pleased.
  15. Man and and his wife are lying in bed. Man farts and says “1-0” Wife farts “1-1” Man farts again “2-1” Wife farts again “2-2” Man goes to fart a third time but follows through and shits the bed. Wife “what was that?” Man “half time, switch sides”
  16. Jai has the potential to be an international class player, if he works on his fitness and adds goals to his game. Saying you aren’t bothered about him leaving is poor as you can easily see a Morton team without Quitongo starting is like starting a man down. I personally will be gutted to see him play for someone else, but it was going to happen eventually.
  17. Just read this headline in the paper “local barber arrested for drug dealing”. I'm totally shocked. Been a customer for years and I had no idea he was a barber.
  18. Every time I look at that picture all I can see is Jamie Vardy.
  19. Had an interview for a train driver job today. I was over an hour late. I got the job.
  20. Sounds promising. Still no update on Jai yet. Wonder if he is weighing up other clubs?
  21. So we have Iredale and Strapp signed up. Wonder where Russell will end up?
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