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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. I work with some manky b*****ds. Just went to the toilet and in the only available cubicle, the whole pan was caked in shite with not a sheet of toilet paper in sight so not only did they not flush (which is stinking in itself), they obviously haven’t bothered wiping their arse. How the fck do these people get through the day?
  2. Nope. Full head of hair. It wouldn’t bother me if he wore if for a reason other than it’s meant to looks cool. Indoors it doesn’t.
  3. A young lad I work with wears his baseball cap all day while in the office. This annoys me more than it should. EDIT no, I don’t work in MacDonalds or any other fast food outlet.
  4. Does anyone have a dream where they are playing football but with a random object instead of a ball?
  5. Anyone go to the reserve game against Man United at Cappielow today? Lost 1-0. Going by social media we gave them a good game.
  6. I thought that about the kid, seems a bit on the wee side for 6, but think about it, post apocalypse babies won't have access to the same nutrition and vaccinations etc so would most likely be underdeveloped compared to modern day kids. Either a bit of an oversight by the casting crew or incredible attention to detail?! Judith looked like she grew up healthy enough, as did the kid Grace who Aaron is looking after - the baby they took from one of the saviour outposts.
  7. Don’t forget Maggie was pregnant for about twelve years after Glenn died, so pretty believable.
  8. If anyone is looking for this weeks edition... - some new people showed up - Carol set fire to some bad people - walkers can now talk (ahem...)
  9. IainMorton

    Breaking Bad

    Sounds like it could be interesting, but what can they do with it considering all the other main characters were killed off?
  10. Popped up on my facebook...
  11. Yep. Reedus came to their attention as he auditioned to play Merle. He didn’t suit what they were looking for but too good to let him go, so Daryl was created.
  12. Might also be beneficial to have another central defender too if we are going to stick with the 3-5-2 from the last two matches, as I’m sure Kilday, Waddell and Buchanan are the only three that we have with no back up.
  13. Customer: can I have an update on my application? Me: do you have the reference number? Customer: is that the application reference number? Me:
  14. Why has Bobby Dassey not been arrested for his internet search history? Even if he didn’t murder Teresa Halbach, surely that is enough to put him away?
  15. Something that’s been bothering me, if Rick was standing on one side of the bridge and there was a huge explosion, how did he end up in the water? Surely the blast would have thrown him further away from the bridge?!
  16. Just finished watching this and it annoys me how screwed up the American justice system is. Don’t like a decision? Just keep appealing it until the decision is overturned. You could tell that as soon as it went to the supreme courts that Dassey would be staying in prison. How Brendan is still in prison is truly baffling. Surely him and Steven will get out once the evidence that Zellner puts to the court proves that they had nothing to do with her kidnap and death. Two people I would like to see locked up, apart from the actual killer(s), is Ken Kratz and that copper Colborn. They know they are in the shit.
  17. Negan in the cell btw. I love that guy.
  18. Someone want to explain what the f**k I just watched?
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