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Everything posted by ewan14

  1. What is this " musical " garbage doing on the thread ?
  2. talking .. everytime Jane Lewis is scheduled to speak they should get the Velvets on
  3. This is all the fault of Gregg Wallace and the other one !
  4. ewan14

    Skip Spence

    Stipe might not have been the best singer to make the lyrics more comprehensible IIRC Springsteen did Omaha in his very , very early days. Maybe hope there
  5. ewan14

    Skip Spence

    Your friend Jim Your plural
  6. So two of the subs bench At least Patterson is a promising right ( full ) back
  7. He did not retire ! He threw his toys out the pram ! so a non Scot
  8. Hardly. Aberdeen won two European trophies in the ( early ) eighties etc
  9. McGregor - ex Scot Is Kamara Scottish ? Good if he is
  10. We might ( fingers crossed ) be finding solutions for the future of our problem positions except. centre forward
  11. So for someone who was unable to watch the game etc how was he apart from the goal ?
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