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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Anyone having a go at Linlithgow for this is silly. They’ve earned their spot in this round and clearly want as much home advantage as possible. If only our spineless board could’ve done the same in some of our cup games (those Sevco cup games a few years ago for example) we may have performed better than rolling over time and time again.
  2. Was just thinking about one f in falkirk there and the total scenes that would’ve occurred throughout the MC debacle on there. I reckon it would’ve had him ousted in about 3 hours. Basket case of a forum mind you
  3. Imagine how easy this league would be if our players got coached actual tactics. Glad we’re top.
  4. That starting 11 gives me the fear. Could be a horrid showing today
  5. Didn’t take the p***k long to turn on the fans did it. Good riddance.
  6. Anyone know anything about the supposed meeting between fans groups with MC tonight? Apparently at the inchyra, seen a few things about it on twitter/fb
  7. Reasonable post until you suggested Gomis to be benched
  8. Why are our highlights so much worse in quality than any other club too? Clarity of picture worse, ability to follow the ball worse, zoom worse. Raith tv for example a couple weeks ago, night and day compared to ours. I don’t care if the commentators are rubbish and the post match questions are soft, just turn the sound off, but the highlights themselves need work. Unbelievable we used to cough up a fiver a month for that
  9. Holy f**k just seen the highlights. I know the lot of them were shite but Paul fucking Dixon. I’m fucking irate. Out of position, then retreats away from the attacker, then turns his back on the shot and jumps out the way like a wet wipe. Guy should be fucking ashamed of himself at that.
  10. Can’t wait to get out of league 1 just so our match threads don’t include constant moaning from fans paying 3 pounds more to watch a game than they usually do
  11. You seem know a lot about our team don’t you. Don’t think I could name more than 4 Raith players
  12. Anyone know how high that wall actually is on Braehead Road? If it’s a clamber for tickets will it be watchable over it for the unlucky many who miss out or is it not really an option
  13. Even if it’s a Friday night it’s not a complete ruiner as it’s so close. Obviously nowhere near as good as Saturday, but I am still as erect as I’ve been since Cove away 2 years ago at the thought of it.
  14. Gomis has tired every game after 60 mins. Not a slight on the guy, he’s almost always our best player for the first 60, but he should never ever be getting the full 90. Still, a fairly satisfying win and raith’s away form problems never look too far away (maybe the same can be said for us too).
  15. Christ you’re right, I’d forgotten about that entire season. Mark Stewart leading the line
  16. He should probably have been punted after relegation. Probably. But we then had 6 months of great fun with Farid, Higginbotham and kids challenging at the top of the championship? I know it didn’t work out and it became very stale with him but your boycott of the club early that season definitely points to you just throwing a bit of a huff at the club not doing exactly what you wanted it to do...
  17. I get the logic, disillusioned so far that you’d rather give the club to absolutely anyone than the current BOD. If you can step back and look beyond that, at the greater problems that would occur if MC was to get control, you’d see that it can actually still get worse. A lot worse. Also staying away when Pressley got a new contract was a bit weird...
  18. Can you share with us these comments by him that have relaxed your fears? Please? I genuinely want to know. You’re so wrong about this being personal against Mark Campbell. It’s not. It’s the opposite. I want nothing more than for our cool new Jeans and trainers wearing owner to see us up the divisions, build a 4th stand, reinstate the academy. It would be incredible, MC would be a hero. It just isn’t gonna feckin happen. Agreeing with monkey tennis, again, as someone who seems to follow the club as much as I do, home and away, with it meaning everything to us, how can you be so reckless with it’s future???
  19. Infuriatingly, I agree with fucking monkey tennis here. This thread had been decent over the last few days after weeks of childish, boring insanity. Let’s not return it to crowdwank slagging matches that no one but the people in the conversation want to actually read
  20. Can see this farce ending in the next couple of weeks thankfully. As mentioned before a statement of ah well we all had good intentions, didnt quite work out, thanks to MC for his time and commitment. Who knows where we go from there after that though.
  21. Don’t think we have another international break thankfully. Due to play all weekends from what I can see once the Scottish cup draw is made
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