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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Fourth stand, why does this guy deserve a chance with OUR club? What in the past makes you think he will be successful (for the first time in his entrepreneurial career from what I can see) at our club? He is dangerous. If he gets it wrong - as his track record suggests is his thing - the results could be catastrophic. Why on earth does he deserve any sort of “chance” with us?
  2. This is pretty much worthy of a ban imo. Guy with a CLEAR agenda, possibly a boardroom member or friend/family comes on here, pretends to be a neutral average fan, and lies about what has come out about MC, claiming it was the fans group who created ALL stories about MC even though they were in public domain. Genuinely abhorrent, we should be jumping down this guy’s throat
  3. Why didn’t you put it on here weeks ago then? The not so tech savvy fans would’ve had no chance of finding it, seems important given he seems close to having the keys to the club??
  4. That’s just it. Imagine a life without football and Falkirk together. Of course we can’t know for sure how this’ll turn out if Campbell gains control, I’m not sure you do either. But to have some very real and obvious concerns weirdly turned away by a lot of fans (or plants, aliases etc) has been tough to watch. Let’s hope the current MSG get over their gripe with the fans and do the right thing )the first step of which is to reject the Campbell bid)
  5. Absolutely incredible that back post misses’s attempts to spread the word about how terrible this guy could be to the future of our club has been met with accusations of “shit stirring”. Let’s hope the deal dies so my current emotion of pure fear can turn to pure fucking anger at whoever has let this mess of a bid get this far
  6. Very rough for Vaughan that, always thought he had more about him than a lot of players. That’s him and Matthews out for a decent length for Raith? Whilst our injury luck bas been great so far, and you’ll still be 6 points clear after a round of games come Saturday night. Absolute beamer for McKinnon
  7. Falkirk have reuploaded highlights, including penalty incident. Definitely not as clear as it looked in person, would’ve been of the very soft variety if given
  8. With McKinnon in charge this is the type of game we are utterly doomed for. You’ll want it more and win 1 or 2-0, at best we’ll scrape a 1-1 draw. It’ll be as poor as it was at Starks a few weeks ago with Raith fans coming away saying our team hasn’t got a hope of going up playing like that. As others have said, wake me up in May (or when Raymondo gets the bullet)
  9. Nah. Was looking forward to a decent game against a club who I previously thought were sound. Turns out almost every single EF fan who has posted on here has turned out to be a total freak. Not much I can do about it sadly
  10. Probably like many others I thought these lads were some of the soundest in the league, good community club etc. After reading this car crash I cannot wait to body them about 3-0 and finish 20 points ahead of them
  11. DKD posting a bairns video on his insta? I am ready.
  12. Got to admit I just cannot be arsed with pretty much everything the club does atm. Just feels like a total shambles and there’s nothing we can do about it. Didn’t realise it’d be possible to be more apathetic and disillusioned with everything and everyone after the end of last season but they’re a long long way along the line to achieving that
  13. Lavery scoring again tonight v Qarabag, a team consisting of various Azerbaijani internationals and experienced European players. And he couldn’t get a game against Alloa. I am absolutely seething and my head has fallen off
  14. I see Shayne Lavery is playing (and scoring) for Linfield in the Europa League this season. Genuine madness we didn’t manage to get anything out of a him and Rudden frontline for 5 months last season
  15. https://www.falkirkherald.co.uk/sport/football/falkirk-fc/martin-ritchie-leaves-falkirk-board-after-21-years-1-4970754
  16. That bloke’s an alloa fan. Oh dear oh dear oh dear BOB at it again. My word
  17. Brother’s just texted me from London city airport (not a falkirk fan) saying he’s seen 8 guys all in falkirk tracksuits - what could that be about? Surely not some sort of team bonding night out in London considering we had a game Saturday then one tomorrow?
  18. This 1000 times over. The problem isn’t the 2 or 1 up top, it’s the absolutely brutal middle 4/5/3 who would struggle to make 1 creative, ball playing midfielder between them
  19. I’ll tell you what. I feel like the good times...the good times are nearly back.
  20. I am fucking furious with how this transfer window is panning out. Ray surely had better lined up for strikers and centre backs - he had 3 months to plan ffs
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