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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Apologies to all have had a few so what I’m going to come out with may be seen as vile: coyb
  2. Sean Kelly playing premiership football in 2022 is absolutely fucking wild
  3. Adding absolutely nothing of any substance to this thread with every post. Mods!
  4. Good. I’m actually fine with smoke bombs - imo they add to the atmosphere and are usually let off in the “standing”, young team section of the crowd, so no weans choke their lungs out. You go from an alright c**t to an utter c**t when you throw one though.
  5. Hate to be drawn into crowd w**k arguments, but if you believe that looks like 1800 out of 3300 seats filled, the Fife education system must be in a worse state than I imagined.
  6. "Falkirk fans love a good crowd w**k", then posts that inane drivel about the gaps in between seats in a stand . You've got to laugh.
  7. I think for us it is. As improved as we are we still have this horrible characteristic of being unable to beat any of the big teams, which has lasted for 3 years down here. Falling 7 points behind could well end our title chase tbh.
  8. Both teams to score. No idea about result. Genuinely feels about 10 years since we’ve won one of these big season defining home games
  9. Very much looking forward to this week’s podcasts, especially with John and Paul - any idea when it’ll be out@RC55 FFC
  10. Finally home after a long day. Good/great stuff from us, long may it continue. All I’ll say for queens is - a very similar sort of home performance to what I’ve seen of us for 3/4 years. Absolute shite that seems to only be sorted by employing a decent manager.
  11. Thanks boys. Just a really impressive job Mcglynn is doing. Our group of players clearly not good enough to just steamroll the league - that is a very hard thing to do. Results like last week will happen. But we are now reacting and fighting like a side capable of promotion should. I have no doubts now we will be in the top 4 at worst, and tbh fancy our playoff chances against whoever we’d face if it comes to that. Onto next week and hopeful of a sell out
  12. Sad news of Gordon Macfarlane’s passing. Hope we get the win today for the big man.
  13. Which would probably be enough. It’s absolutely miles away
  14. Train strike on the Sunday too for any madman staying overnight. Think it’s car/supporters bus or bust for this one.
  15. Feel free to tell me this is shite, but I don't remember QOS front line being overly tall. Could be a good time to give Mackie a go instead of Henderson? He was my player of the season for the first 1/2 months.
  16. Hopefully a lower league away. Linlithgow was fun a few years ago.
  17. Having twinkleshite Mcguffie playing most or all of a match whilst Burrell and lawal get 20 min cameos does stick in the craw a bit. Hopefully the end of that
  18. McKay or Mackie in for Henderson should definitely be under consideration
  19. No overreaction from me - we’ve been very good at home and we are nowhere near good enough to win every game. However, that is now 3 absolutely ATROCIOUS performances out of 12 (Airdrie, 2x Kelty). There has been lots of progress in between, but a reminder that we aren’t too far away from being total guff. Moving forward, that result will definitely bring changes. Think Mcglynn has kept the same team and substitutions as it has been broadly working. Would now expect to see far more game time for lawal and Kennedy. Also thought we missed some Yeats exuberance in there too. Alegria and Burrell to partner an option too? 2 big games to come - win both and today becomes a blip.
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