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latapythelegend last won the day on March 26 2022

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  1. Very disjointed and McIver missing couldn't be any clearer. Agyeman through the middle and Calvin Miller on to run at Stevenson please. McKenna just isn't a forward. McCann on for Mackie too before another silly foul.
  2. Bunch of ambulance chasers who get mocked even within their own support. A group so vocal about every world issue they can lay claim to yet a few dozen young lads from the bog/braes/carronshore/etc force them into a snotters filled statement. Lovely stuff.
  3. I remember following Boliabi's social media not long after he moved to Swansea. Instantly had the big merc and seemed to be out all hours posing. The same couldn't be said about Kingsley Fulton and Blair who all made the same move and it shows that they all went onto better things. No sympathy once you head down the drug route. Wasted his career and any future prospects.
  4. At least I was accurate. Brilliant performance for an hour. Absolutely no chance after that once Celtic brought on 4 players with a total value equivalent to our total revenue over the last decade. All focus on the league now.
  5. We were in a similar position, paying £33 a month but that only covered pitch hire and 1 set of strips for a season. Referees fees, league fees and furst aid provisions had to be self funded. Balls were provided for training but were the cheap ones you get for a fiver in sports direct. Training strips had to be covered by our own funds BUT had to be bought from the same place as every other foundation team so we had no wiggle room to bargain on price.
  6. I've made my opinions on the foundation clear in the past. Up until May I was actively involved with playing and help run one of the adult foundation teams (Sunday amateur). I personally would not give them another penny. Lost count of the amount of times we would turn up a season to train only to find out the Shire were playing and we would have no other option but to share half a pitch, not a Full pitch, half a pitch with another team - sometimes the woman's team, to carry out a full training session. Believe me when I say it,they don't give a toss. Other examples of horrendous treatment by the foudnation: Having to change in the following locations without adequate shower facilites (often in the middle of winter) The warm up room adjacent to the home dressing room (lying empty) The "classroom" on the main corridor on the ground floor. The concourse of the KM stand often on a soaking wet floor the day after 1800 folk have walked in and out. We got used to it and gave up arguing because the foundation staff had no interest in supporting us at all other than one young lad with glasses who was a genuine Falkirk fan and tries his best depsite those above him. The absolute embarrassment once being pulled up by our league for not being able to offer basic changing facilities to visiting teams - despite being the only team playing in a purpose built stadium! I appreciate this sounds very much like sour grapes but it's nothing that hasn't already been voiced to the foundation directly. Listening to the FD podcast on Monday made my blood boil and I just forwarded past the foundation chat. Needless to say, our team disbanded as a result of this treatment and players moved on to other teams.
  7. Hope we go for it with absolutely no fear. If we do that and lose 4 or 5 then I'm confident we'll get 1 or 2 anyway. All about the cash anyway.
  8. Aye, being one of the favourites to pocket 100k if you screw the nut in the cup is a major distraction.
  9. Honest answer? No, because the stream didn't work!
  10. Good result but to be honest I didn't enjoy one bit of it given the fact only a combined total of 3 mins of that 2nd half was watchable on FTV. No home game for next mo th so that caveat of only home games being guarunteed doesnt really wash.
  11. Its hardly a surprise when you turn up at some grounds and know there is no facility to stream effectively. If there is no hard wired connection at the ground you are streaming from then charge a lower fee to compensate.
  12. What if our good run comitues and we have demand from our own support to open part of the north stand. Surely that scenario has been considered? We were only a few hundred of it at the weekend there.
  13. I opened a Revlout account back in May and used the card when in Germnay for the Euros and it has been brilliant. Very easy to track spending and switch currencies easily. You can use it either fully contactless or pay a small fee and get a card sent out.
  14. I'll give you that, he's loving the attention but he actually hasn't done anything majorly wrong.
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