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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. It's been 1 week and they'll have played 3 games!
  2. Anyone know when the draw for the next round is, after the weekend’s games?
  3. Oooft, the look he gave (you?) after interviewer asked if “we’re struggling”! Felt for you there!
  4. A good Shoulder barge for me, seen them given though and a touch sad that the appeals from the gigantic Navy Blue Army behind the goals didn’t sway the ref.
  5. Way to put words in my mouth! Morrison is by far our most influential midfielder. Goals win games and I shudder to think of our goal scoring abilities without him. I honestly think that, without him, we would really struggle. Does that make him perfect or unselfish? No! An attacking midfield of Mcguffie Nesbitt and Kennedy, however? Fine. That is the sole alternative. If that’s what you want then sweet.
  6. Thankfully we’ll never have to test the quite horrendous theory, as John Mcglynn is an actual football manager. Well done to Mcguffie on his first goal of the season.
  7. It’d take one game of Morrison being “benched” before we realised what we were missing. Imagine an attacking midfield of Mcguffie Nesbitt Kennedy ffs
  8. Morrison top scorer by 4. Would always back him to be the crucial scorer at the right place right time e.g Dunfermline. And yes, he’s a greedy b*****d who doesn’t pass. That’s why he’s with us
  9. Morrison needs some time on the bench - LOL I’ve read it all now. Our most important player.
  10. Haven't read much on here - is this a troll? Or a genuine opinion?!
  11. Good celebrations on that one tbf. Last minute winner.
  12. Montrose town centre next in line for a local economy boost.
  13. Love the way Donaldson slaps all our goal scorers over the head in the celebrations. A few with concussions by the end of the season hopefully
  14. Definitely a dive by Alegria. Wtf is the goalie doing for the 4th goal?!
  15. Falkirk also without 16 players tomorrow. Players include Ronaldo, Messi, Ronaldo (original), Pedro Moutinho, Cantona, Pele.
  16. Hmm, I presume you haven't listened to the podcast yet? It's a worthwhile listen imo. I have no skin in the game. But there are specific mentions of times we would've ran out of cash if it wasn't for the numerous multi million pound player sales in the last decade. Very timely sell on fees/appearance fees (Tony Gallacher at Liverpool being the lol one) also crucial. "New phenomenon" they are not, but there has been get out of jail free cards for previous incumbents. Not now. ETA - Rennie was given a 6 month deal. Using this as proof of how terrible the board are? Shiter.
  17. Rent on a stand, rent to council, 14 jobber players signed up on good wages very few of which McGlynn wanted, having to hire a proper management team (something our previous board failed miserably at). A very expensive immediate list for why we find it difficult not to run at a loss in this league.
  18. Interesting interview, I'm glad they admit they were "mortified" at the wording of that paragraph. Most fascinating for me was the meander through the last decade on which years we turned a profit and which years we were effectively completely running out of cash. Peak years when we sold players, trough years when we didn't (not rocket science). This of course wasn't smooth (a couple of lean years = some potential issues). However, when academy really gets going again (medium to long term) this does seem like the best way for a club like us to operate.
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