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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Ooooooft, fantastic stuff. Fwiw today’s hospitalisations/deaths stats were incredible news. Vaccines working beautifully. Big numbers of cases are simply not translating to huge numbers of hospitalizations. Hospitalizations are not translating to huge ICU increase. ICU numbers are not translating to big increases in deaths. We will see rises in the coming weeks. Like any flu season, after Christmas mixing. Let’s get on with things ffs
  2. I’ve pledged my tenner a month despite my feelings towards Holt. As others have said there will be others after him who are poor at their job - that shouldn’t mean (imo) that every time that happens I would withdraw my tenner. The old board held me in clear disdain. Holt I believe is just incompetent at his job. That’s probably even more reason to invest, as the more who do the bigger the swell of feeling would be
  3. Probably not our biggest problem but the amount of anti anyone who dares not be a Sturgeon, Snp lover nationalist conspiracy theory bigotry that our CEO Jamie Swinney likes on twitter is crazy. Pops up constantly on my timeline so have had to unfollow. Deeply unimpressive
  4. I will personally hit the gym and lift dowds above my head in this style celebration if he fires us into the playoffs and does a f**k you celebration to Holt in the stand every time he scores.
  5. He showed glimpses last season. I always thought he had a football brain. Fact was though we weren’t struggling last season for 20 odd games and he didn’t score much. Loaning him out this season with our current options was clearly a mistake though.
  6. The fact is if Dowds scores, assists and works as hard here as he seems to have done at Arbroath he will be loved. If he was as ineffective as he was in his first stint he won’t be. Simple stuff.
  7. Not trying to get on his back btw. Don’t know him personally at all but he is clearly a football and falkirk man through and through. But I will continue to try and stop any revision of what Holt does - he is clearly instrumental in recruitment (which after Summer is baffling)
  8. But how much of a “choice” is it really? Holt: here’s 10 absolute duffers for your LCB position, including my nephew and my cousin. Or, you can have ATS, some player who’s played for other Scottish teams and is known to everyone who’s played football manager for more than an hour. Rennie: okay i guess I’ll have to go with ATS then and hope I can work miracles with my coaching ability If the “decision” Rennie has is just the least bad option of a load of absolute shit (just like Sheerin had) then it isn’t really a decision at all Holt GTF
  9. After reading that article with Rice it seems an easy decision to at least ask him to take over Holt’s role. He is absolutely desperate to get back into football. That’s exactly what we need in Holt’s role. Someone who will put in the hard miles on Tuesday nights. He’s already found some gems (didn’t he recommend vaulks?) so clearly has an eye for a player. Just a far more liekable guy than Holt too, which will help with asking for loan players and getting deals over the line, and a role away from media spotlight and press interviews would be good for him I reckon. I really can’t think of many downsides to making it happen
  10. Aaron Taylor Sinclair? 32 games in 4 years in a position we are fairly strong in (or at least, is nowhere near a priority)? If he’s an early signing my head is going to fall off.
  11. Proven rape of a woman to me is a far worse moral offense than either example you’ve given.
  12. As said before, wouldn’t be at any home or away game until the player, Holt, and any current board member had left the club if goodwillie was signed.
  13. I’ve said that to my mate every Saturday for the last 4 years
  14. First pen never a pen, second one even less so. Our defence is hilarious. A full time team offering up those chances in an actual league game . Could’ve been 0-4
  15. Do we have strength and conditioning coach at all? Never known so many injuries as this season/end of last. Can’t go more than 1/2 games without half our team being uprooted. Definitely needs looking into.
  16. I think anyone we went for would’ve been a relative punt, because we’re so unattractive as a club atm. No proven method for success - sometimes experienced old head works, sometimes young coach does. However, Sheerin has far more relevant direct experience as a manager than Rennie. He won a league with Arbroath. To me that makes Rennie as much of a gamble as Sheerin was, and let’s not lie he was a total disaster
  17. My best guess is this. The new board are fans and absolutely do not want Holt in the role he is in (or at least seems to be doing) - recruiting players. When they arrived he’d already put in a load of work scouting, contracting etc players to come in in early January. Rennie and Miller are only just in the door, so don’t have a crystal clear idea of what we need to sign/don’t have the contacts to do so. Board has decided to let Holt complete those signings for January, as if they don’t we’re left with the shite we have for weeks into the window, and need to urgently scout/speak to other players. None of that is an excuse. Seems like a huge gamble given Holt’s track record. I just cannot think of any other reason why the new fans on the board would not bin Holt
  18. The same dope DOF with the same dope scout, signing the shite we’re about to get in January, after signing the shite they signed in the summer, with a guy who’s never managed in Britain before and who was most recently an assistant at a women’s team in USA, with Kenny Miller as assistant...we’re genuinely going down aren’t we?
  19. Have to give Rennie time but what we saw today was worrying. Morrison at right wing back Jesus f**k. 3 or 4 good signings needed if we are to be mid table come the end of the season
  20. Ah, so we now have falkirk fans accusing fellow falkirk fans of being racist because they don’t happen to agree with the SNP’s decision. Delightful. Absolutely nothing wrong with using a mosque as an example of something that is allowed to stay open.
  21. Accusing fellow falkirk fans of wanting to see people dying in corridors because they don’t happen to agree with your opinion. Come on now ffs.
  22. Tough situation with tickets. Any system with 4 days notice would probably draw complaints. Opening behind the goals however is fantastic stuff and the sort of thing I’m glad we’re doing. The rules are an utter joke and I’m glad we’re paying suitable lip service to them. Hope we can all be back in the south stand in 4 weeks time.
  23. How do you contain a virus Jesus fucking wept
  24. From what I can see indoor hospitality can stay open, with distancing rules. In that case could we go ahead with hospitality to secure that income, then make up the rest of the 500 with STs. Also, could open behind the goals for watching on FTV only, and south stand wouldn’t be open, again dampening loss of income
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