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Everything posted by bairn88

  1. Absolutely agree with this. I’m all for the new investment. BPM knowing a few of them and saying they’re good guys is enough to convince me this is really promising. However I absolutely do not blame others for wanting more info before parting with their actual cash. It’s the same club we all want to do well and we’ve been burnt many times before, a few recently. Slamming these folk for even asking what the goals/aims/direction is will only alienate them. Time to move in the right direction with genuine openness and discussion
  2. Just can't get over that Pagel thread. Really does hit home how out of touch these people are. Her and her husband have locked themselves away for 20 months, in the only life you get, only for them both to get it, and for it to be a runny nose and some sore joints for a few days. Fucking brilliant.
  3. Good to see she's getting torn to shreds, despite turning off her replies, by the real scientists/normal people. Just epic that she thinks infection is basically a punishment for carelessness or moral failure. A mind completely warped by Covid.
  4. Unless we somehow luck into some formation or system that allows us to take 10 points out of 12 before January, I agree with you. We won’t be going up with anything less than that return. Chucking money at Holt and Sheerin in early January whilst we’re 10 points off top would be an instantly poor decision by the new board
  5. Top notch desire and header by dowds for their winner yesterday. Glad he’s our player!
  6. Don’t know but feels like cove at home early last season. Beyond that feels like a while ago too. Totally scunnered tbh. Don’t even know if sheerin is getting less out of the squad, maybe it is just rubbish. All I know is Holt is a constant in the new depths we’ve plunged who has to go. Feels like there’s little way back for sheerin due to home performances too. Just totally abject with a consistent attempt to pretend “these things happen” and we “can’t win them all” in post match interviews
  7. Alloa Montrose match thread and all they can talk about is us, whilst the content of their conversation is how we're not a big team.
  8. https://www.icc-cricket.com/news/2355681 Saw this as I follow Cricket Scotland on Twitter. Our U19s are taking the place of New Zealand U19s (who had qualified, we just missed out). No expert but it seems that minors would have to quarantine once back in NZ (due to vaccination?). To me that is utterly ridiculous. Rest of the world getting on with things whilst these young lads, who worked hard to get to the tourney, miss out on vital experience and potentially fall behind other nations? Poor.
  9. I’m also relatively positive compared to what I was at start of season, down to 3 things I think. 1) Ruth isn’t hopeless. Don’t think he’s a world beater but he’s now scored a couple of really decent goals for us and his display v Dumbarton was genuinely decent/good. 2) In Grainger we have at least 1 very competent coach, from what I’m hearing. Compared to M and M, we had none. 3) Last year, Partick were truly hopeless til about 17 games into the season. There is no formula to win this league imo. I’m absolutely not saying I expect us to dominate like they did, but even a mild upturn in form/performance (I think we may have bottomed out already with those shockers v dumbarton, airdrie etc) would see us challenging in playoff positions.
  10. Krasniqi needs to keep playing solely so I can keep singing Viva Ernaldo Viva Ernaldo Viva Ernaldo. Young team in fine form yesterday
  11. No more excuses for Sheerin. Feel like I’ve been relatively light on him, as without Williamson and Morrison we had 2 genuinely good attacking options down one wing replaced with possibly 2 of the worst in the league, in Miller and Mcdaid. Saturday that should no longer be the case. Anything other than a vastly improved attacking performance and a couple of goals, against a team that hasn’t won since we last played them, will be unacceptable for me.
  12. If Morrison and Williamson are fit I can tell you the lineup now. Sheerin wanted “consistency” and he’s found that in no defeats in 3 Martin Williamson Hall Dixon Mccann Hetherington Telfer Morrison Nesbitt Mcguffie Ruth Not a bad 11 on paper, if Telfer gets played beyond the halfway line
  13. Maybe if I say enough mean but true things on pie and bovril about our board I’ll get an abusive text too. Incredible state of affairs at our club.
  14. Handballs are purely opinions based so we’ll just have to disagree on this one. Hate when they’re given for these types of handballs. Durnan’s arm, for me, was close to his body, not in an unnatural position and it’s fired at him at pace. Incredibly harsh decision to award a penalty for such a thing.
  15. Rugby tackle after a miscontrol by captain fantastic, and never a pen either. Still couldn’t hold onto the lead for 4 minutes. Utterly spineless gang of worms we have
  16. We are utterly incapable of keeping a clean sheet, and we don’t score many goals or look like scoring many goals, despite the constant softball questions to Sheerin about “oh if we only took as many chances as we create we’d score a bucket full”. A bad combination. Mid table at best for us this season.
  17. Euan Henderson could rip the pish today. Exactly the type of player who I can see us giving a hatrick away to. Would be very damning for Holt
  18. Love Ian Fergus's enthusiasm, seems a tough nut too. He mentions in his interview his work "is like a full time job to be honest". I'm not entirely sure what his full role is here, but if he isn't full time already with us can we not make that happen?
  19. A diversion from the board business, but just noticed Sean Kelly is getting a regular game for Livi in the prem. A player who looked totally devoid of any sort of abilities that would point to him being a premiership footballer when he was with us. Yet another example that we, for whatever reason, are getting the absolute minimum out of any player we currently get
  20. I see Paul Watson is still clubless after his contract termination at Dunfermline a few weeks ago. A good option (comparatively)? Bet Holt doesn’t even know who he is.
  21. Agreed, which is why yesterday didn’t mean much and Alloa at home a far more important measurement
  22. The second goal yesterday was “sheerin ball” at its best. Seems like a quick goal kick by Martin. Clyde not set so 2 quick passes, a smart turn by one of our players who’s actually capable of that (Telfer, Mcdaid, Mcguffie or Nesbitt) and we’ve played through their lines and they’re on the back foot. Much better and should be what we look at religiously in training and aspire to do again
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